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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 4, 1.983 -4- <br />4. ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING: <br />J. Energy Board - Continued <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn to appoint Mike Mazzara City Representative <br />to the Energy Plant Board with Maynard Eder serving as alternate <br />representative. Carried 5-0. <br />K. Conditional Use Permits - Jim McNamara - <br />Kenn'els- <br />d ng Inspector McNamara reported that he had visited,,]. and <br />viewed.all,the,kennels except Kolcinski Kennel - the owners <br />were out of state until later this month. All the kennels <br />appeared = clean and the animals in good condition. <br />--Fraser - recommended deferring approval of the Kolcinski CUP <br />until the Building Inspector can visit the premises. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to adopt R-783-1, a Resolut16n'approving,a <br />Conditional -.Use Permit -for Fisher Kennels; R-83-2, a Resolution <br />approving a Conditional Use Permit for Breheim Shetland Sheepdogs; <br />R-83-3, a Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit for <br />the Animal Inn; and R-83-4, a Resolution approving a CUP for <br />Kolcinski Kennel. conditioned on the Building Inspectors approval <br />of the premises. Carried 5-0. <br />A--g �ri-Business- <br />/'S/'P .orcpan•Mazzara to adopt R-83-5, a Resolution approving a <br />Conditional Use Permit for Goods, Inc. Carried 5-0. <br />Golf Course - <br />M/S/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to adopt R-83-6, a Resolution approving <br />a Conditional User. -Permit for Cimarron Golf Course. Carried 5-0. <br />Drive -In Theatre <br />M/S/P Mazzara Morgan to adopt R-83-7, a Resolution approving a <br />Conditional Use Permit for Vali-Hi Drive in. Carried 5-0. <br />Greenhouse - <br />MP Mazzara/Morgan to adopt R-83-8, a Resolution approving a <br />Conditional Use Permit for Richard Bergmann Greenhouse. Carried 5-0. <br />MobileCHomes - <br />Salus M—oHome - Since this structure was to be removed two <br />years ago, with a one year extension granted in 1981 and 1982, <br />and since Mr. Salus has not contacted the City on the current <br />status of the mobile home, the Council deferred action on this <br />CUP until January 18 pending a meeting with Mr. Salus at that time. <br />John Dill Mobile Home <br />M/S'P Morgan Dunn to adppb R-83-9, a Resolution approving a CUP <br />for John Dill to locate a mobile home in Tartan Park. Carried 5-0. <br />Open Sales Lot - <br />La sting Stone McNamara reported that he had viewed the premises <br />in Nove er and no expansion of the operation was noted. The <br />materials are within the defined area listed on the permit, although <br />the height of the piles may vary according to the type and/or <br />damand for the materials. <br />