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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 4, 1983 -6- <br />4, ANNUAL ORIGANIZATION MEETING: <br />K. Conditional use Permits - <br />Oa'k' 'a' 'e Gun C;1_.'u1_-`-ConBnued - <br />--Eder - presented a summary of the transactions between the <br />Club and the City over the past year. SelieveJ.have had a year <br />of remarkable cooperation from the City Committee and the Gun <br />Club in coming to a resolution and put in writing, effectively, <br />what. the Oakdale Gun Club is doing at the range in Lake Elmo <br />and to define everyone's role in this process 'so that any and <br />all questions about the...operation of the Club can be answered. <br />Most everything written down was to clarify what is presently <br />being done by And at the Club. Several of the original permit <br />documents have been lost over the vears, with the rt-A&iining_ <br />records_leaving little protection=:for eitheti.the Gun Club or <br />the City. Most of the effort put into the meetings between <br />the Club and the City was to codify the operation of the Club <br />and the City's responsibilities, while the -Club addressed <br />future concerns such -as 'noise --abatement,, <br />--Fraser - since all these items have been addressed and worked <br />out between the two groups, would like to see the 1983 permit <br />include the more explicit language. <br />--Morgan - asked the Administrator to verify the extent of the <br />changes - felt.,the changes were informal . <br />--Whittaker - there are some formal amendments to the Code that <br />will have to be approved at a later meeting. Feel it would <br />be qood to include specifics on fencing. -.requirements,, noise <br />requirement reviews, range''officer definitions,..and age limit-, <br />and qualifications for -members in the permit..;__NQt.requiring <br />the:Club to do, anything new, but better defining what they are <br />doing. <br />MIS/ Fraser/Eder to amend the motion to include the lanquage <br />devbld pedcby the Gun Club and the City as summarized in Roger <br />A. Jensons'l.letter of December 21, 1982 and the Administrator's <br />memo of December 21, 1982, <br />Discussion: <br />--Eder - Asked Fred Waterous, President, Oakdale Gun Club, if <br />his statments are accurate and if the corrections and/or addetdums <br />as proposed and worked out'between the..City's"representatives <br />and -the Gun Clubs�_r:epresentatives and legal counsel are an <br />acceptable way to proceed on the CUP. <br />*amended --Fred*Waterouxs- agreements do perform a job of coding and <br />1/18/83 defining - cannot disagree with Morgan's motion that they do <br />not alter anything being done by the Club. Up to the Council <br />to decide how they want this put into effect, We ( the Club) <br />do not feel the need of additional regulations, have proceeded <br />to carry out all types of improvements and operating procedures. <br />Decision is the Councils. <br />--Mazzara - asked if Mr. Waterous's remarks mean what has been <br />worked out between the Gun Club and the City is agreeable, <br />--Fred Waterous - proposals are acceptable. Difficult to decide <br />( whether they are necessary or not. Any additional rules or <br />regulations are something else for the Club to keep their eye <br />onto make sure they are not inadvertently violated. <br />