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01-04-83 CCM
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City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-04-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 40 1983 <br />-7- <br />4, <br />ANNUAL ORIGANIZATION MEETING: <br />K. Conditional'U8'e Permits - <br />Oakdale' Gun' C'Ru=v'� Continued <br />--Whittaker —good to include more clearly defined items in <br />the permit - more clear for the next City Council or the <br />citizen or the Club should a question arise. Not placing <br />any new restrictions - Club has taken care of conr_erns <br />the City had last year and done very well. Good to be as <br />clear as possible as long as the language has been worked out, <br />should use the language. <br />--Morgan have no particular objections to including the language <br />appears both groups have agreed to agree and nothing has really <br />changed on the permit. If the language can be incorporated <br />into the permit without basically changing the permit, its <br />acceptable.. <br />--Fred Waterous - most immediate concern is the discretionable <br />question of fencing. Present fencing is in conformance with <br />the present permit - this is potentially a very expensive item <br />This is one item of immediate concern. <br />--Fraser - not asking for anything specific at this time - just <br />that it 'is agreeable that this will --be reviewed with the <br />annual renewal of the permit, <br />--Whittaker - permit should stipulate that no new fencing is <br />required for 1983. <br />--Eder - regarding noise abatement - as it stands now the City <br />agrees that the Club can continue with what noise abatement <br />procedures have been taken and the Club will continue to <br />evaluate this, if the Club determines additional work is <br />needed and planned and the City agreed then this would be <br />added to the next years permit. If something were removed, <br />then, reasons would have to be given as to why. Having <br />things in writing just clarifies the requirements for the <br />governing body. All the Council is asking is to put in the <br />permit the things the Gun Club agreed to do so that it is <br />understood that it is an accepted practice for the Club to <br />do what it is doing. This should prevent anyone from questioning <br />any of the operation of the Gun Club. <br />--Mazzara - asked, as far as the Gun Club is concerned, are there <br />any problems with what is agreed upon here. If no problems are <br />indicated, then would vote for the amendment and the motion. <br />--Roger Jensen, Attorney for Gun Club- our druthers are not to <br />be regulated at all - feel can accomplish regulation on our own <br />by following own standards, etc. Also feel that the CUP <br />Ordinance is not necessarily applicable on the Gun Club because <br />of the reasons set forth in the December 21, 1982, letter, In <br />October memo from the Administrator was sent with proposed conditions <br />to the CUP for 1983.. Those conditions were extremely rigid <br />and felt would come close to putting the Club out of business. <br />Had negotiations with the City Attorney and Administrator and <br />were able to come to an agreement as to <. terms and conditions <br />of the permit that the Club could live with. Basically they <br />complied with what was presently being done or intended to be <br />done in 1983. These conditions are summarized in the Dec, 21 <br />letter. As previously stated, would prefer not to have any <br />regulations, but if there is going to be regulations do not <br />want what was originally proposed. Feel what is proposed now <br />in the combination of letters is something the Club can operate <br />under safely for 1983 and the Executive Board of the Club has <br />authorized Mr. Jensen to state that the Club would be agreeable <br />to these terms. <br />
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