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CITY COUNCIL MEETING - 2/15/83 <br />Page two <br />B. Planning - M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to defer this item until <br />about 9:00 p.m. so as to include Paul Ryberg's interview. (5 ayes) <br />7. INSURANCE BIDS, DAVE HOLMBERG - (Ref: "Package Insurance, Summari- <br />zations of Proposed Costs" and Zignego Agency letter dated 2/4/83 re <br />"Insurance Quotations and Comparisons.) Mr. Holmberg said that the <br />additional $1 million umbrella increases Lake Elmo's insurance coverage <br />at no extra cost, in fact cost is less this year even with umbrella <br />included --however not saying you should limit it to $1 million. He <br />mentioned that some municipalities are being sued for higher liabili- <br />ties; other policies will only pay $1 million during term of policy and <br />when used up another policy would have to be bought. <br />• Whittaker added in response to Councillors concerns: (a) statute <br />limit: of $500 ,000 doesn't have much validity if claim can be <br />supported, (b) would support umbrella since municipalities are <br />experiencing increased liabilities, such as anti-trust suits, (d) we <br />sent specifications directly to league and they bid through agent of <br />record; 3 companies received information and 2 responded with bids (have <br />never received more bids than this). <br />• Fraser - Would hope they could improve upon this with more people <br />bidding; want to make sure we do some research on this for next year. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to accept Aetna's bid through agent of record, <br />Zignego Agency, for Lake Elmo's liability and comprehensive insurance <br />and to include the option of. a $1 million umbrella. (5 ayes) <br />8. OLD BUSINESS <br />A. Snowplowing Policy <br />1, Rotation - Consensus of Councillors was to follow the <br />rotation plan submitted by Dave Wi_sdorf. and Larry Whittaker in his <br />AGENDA MEMO of 2/11/83. Eder also noted advantage of Keats procedure. <br />(2) Contracts - There should be a contract for Old village with Meyer <br />and for Jamaca and garage with Olinger, Whittaker said. <br />e Fraser - What are the limits? (Whittaker - let's make it over 4" and <br />leave drifting to Dave's discretion.) <br />® Mazzara - Wanted it raised to 5" and over. (Whittaker - Not taking a <br />lot of time; last year it cost about $180.) <br />e Eder - If it does snow 4" or more, Olinger can clean it out in 5-6 <br />minutes while crew takes 1/2 hour. <br />® Whittaker - General policy is to get City crew out earlier when County <br />and State go out early; weather conditions dictate when they go out. <br />We'll keep things moving when snowing and then clean up later, hire on <br />temporary basis and contract plowers as recommended. Could send out <br />letter for clarification. Specific policy is .for Councillors informa- <br />tion only, and general policy only will be published in Newsletter. <br />Regarding truck, truck appmyal: is 120 days behind; could cash in bond- but it <br />would do no good. <br />® Dunn - Reason it's behind is because of people being laid off. <br />Whittaker - Could let them know we won't take bid in future. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara that Olinger, Mn/DOT, Oelke and Schifsky be <br />contracted for back-up snowplowing when needed. (5 ayes) <br />(3) Contingency Plan - Details of policy have been worked out <br />and contingency plan covered above. <br />