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CITY COUNCIL MEETING - 2/15/83 <br />Page three <br />B. Ordinance 7940, Codify Chapter 200 of Municipal Code - <br />Whittaker stated changes: who can call a meeting- special meeting <br />provisions made in line with State statute; written notice paragraph <br />changed; Fire Department's chain of command; and fire fighters have to <br />obey traffic laws. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to adopt Ordinance 7940 which amends and codifies <br />Chapter 200 of the Muni;eipAl Code of Lake Elmo. (5 ayes) <br />C. Ordinance 7941, Codify Chapter 100 of Municipal Code - <br />Whittaker indicated that fees adopted by ordinance in lieu of <br />resolution, Chapter 105 is added for this purpose, bd1ding permit fees <br />are based on value using UBC and Building Code Standard, Plan Check Fee <br />is up to 65% of building fee to be consistent with State code, and <br />changes would roughly double permit fees if all added.up; dog licenses <br />are annual and for dogs 6 months or older; parking lot permit f€:e is new. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to adopt Ordinance 7941 which amends, adds <br />Section 105, and codifies Chapter 100 of the Municipal Code of Lake <br />Elmo. (5 ayes) <br />D. Ordinance 7942 - Dog Licenses - Deferred to 3/l/83 meeting. <br />E. Ordinance 7943 - License Ordinance - Defered to 3/1/83 meeting. <br />F. Ordinance 7944 - Target Ranges - Deferred to 3/15/83 meeting. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazarra to defer above Items D, E and F to 3/1, 3/1 and <br />3/15 City Council meetings, respectively. (5 ayes) <br />( <br />G. Lee Annett, Development Agreement for House Moving - Final <br />version of. Development Agreement was presented. Morgan said he looked <br />it over and had no questions. Whittaker,in answer to Eder's question, <br />said deposit is only required for road damage; attorney said bond is not <br />required under present ordinance. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to enter .into a Development Agreement between Lee <br />W. Annett and the City of Lake Elmo to move a house from Section 32 to <br />8875 North 27th Street in the City of Lake Elmo. (5 ayes) <br />H. Hammes/Auth Agreement - Mr. Auth has proposed to pay Hammes <br />$1,500 for damages and storage of the concrete pile, leaving crushing <br />and disposition of the concrete to Hammes. This clears up Hammes' <br />problem with Tom Auth and the County, but does not rid the City of the <br />concrete piles. <br />e Fraser - This would. release the leverage Lake Elmo now has with the <br />County; shouldn't the City hold the $1,500 until the concrete is of such <br />size to be saleable? <br />o Dorothy Lyons - He's received his money already, but County has bond. <br />We have to get job where concrete can be utilized (I-94 is possibility); <br />concrete would then be crushed to smaller size, mixed with materials and <br />used on site immediately; can't be crushed until that time. <br />e Bohrer - Person who gets bid for I-94 will get bid for salvaged <br />concrete. (Lyons - Our pit is open to any of the bidders for I-94.) <br />( e Eder - How big is pile? (Hammes - 12' high x 100' wide x several <br />hundred feet long) (Bohrer - That's approximately 9,000 cu. yds.) <br />o Eder - We should amend present performance bond ($5K) to include this. <br />