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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 15, 1983 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. <br />Councillors present: Fraser, Mazzara, Dunn and Morgan. <br />Administrator Whittaker <br />1. AGENDA: Additions and Changes: <br />#k 4. Postponed until April 5, 1983 <br />7. A,Delete - covered under Item 5. <br />8. E. .Delete pending PZC review <br />8. F. Add - Oakdale Comp Plan <br />10. C. Soo Line 'Frail Plan <br />9. B. Eder - Demontreville Access Update <br />Also present <br />M/S/P Fraser/Eder to approve the agenda w! March 15, 1983, as amended. <br />2. MINUTES - MARCH 1, 1983: <br />Corrections - <br />°Page 8 - Schaefer Rezoning - not an Ordinance - change to motion <br />to approve rezoning.... <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to approve the minutes of March 1, 1983, as <br />amended. Carried 5-0. <br />3. CLAIMS: Additions - <br />Bruce Dunn - PAC Appreciation Dinner $ 67.82 <br />Lake Elmo Repair - truck repair 129,87 <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to approve Claims 83547 thru 83597. Carried 5-0. <br />9. COUNCIL REPORTS. \ <br />A. Ma.zzar'a \- Energy\Plant n Mazzara reported that the Energv Board <br />met Mares 8 and e ect Robert Orth Chairman and Artie Schaefer <br />Vice Chairman of the committee. Tthe next meeting is scheduled <br />for March 29. Whittaker reported that he will meet March 16 <br />with the projects Administrative Committee, <br />-116, B. Eder - Demont'revle��Ace.ess Condemnation - Eder reported that <br />State Executive Review Board approved tTi'e DNR condemnation <br />request for the Demontreville Access. DNR will now proceed <br />to condemn the property proposed for the public use. <br />10. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Street Sweepin Bids - Whittaker recommended that the Council <br />accept fhe ow bid —from McPhillips, for $45/hr, for street <br />sweeping. They were the successful bidder in Z78, and their <br />work was very good. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Fraser to accept the low bid for street sweeping <br />from McPhillips at $45/hr. Carried 5-0. <br />B. CENW Railway Plan for Hutchinson Property - Whittaker briefly <br />explained^£Fie—proposal to develop 75 acres west of Manning Avenue <br />for an automobile unloading facility. The PZC will hold the public <br />hearing March 25, at 7:45 p.m. Issues needing to be addressed <br />are drainage; the tracks on Manning Ave; number of times autos will <br />be crossing over the tracks; hours and days of operation; tax <br />status. <br />