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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 15, 1983 -2- <br />10. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />C. SOO Line TrailExtension - Whittaker aprised the Council of <br />( a letter from the DNR,_d teed March 7, 1983, which outlines a pro- <br />posal to further develop the Soo.Line recreational trail. Eder <br />noted that this is consistent`with what is and -has been done; <br />8. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: <br />A. New Zoning Map - Whittaker reviewed the proposed revisions <br />to the Zonirig Map,,Map,, these include: <br />1. Incorporating all rezonings adopted by Ordinances 7901, 7902, <br />7903, 7906, 7912, 7913, 7914, 7922, 7924, 7929, 7935, 7937, <br />7931, 7933, and 7945 onto the Zoning District Map. <br />2. Correcting Zoning District classifications in the Old Village. <br />3. Correcting the Zoning District Map along Lake Elmo Avenue <br />where land once planned to be included in the Regional Park. <br />Reserve, but never purchased for such purpose,be rezoned from <br />Public to R-1. <br />4. Correcting the Zoning District classification of property now <br />included in the Regional Park Reserve from R-1 to Public. <br />5. Rezoning that property purchased by the State of Minnesota, <br />Department of Transportation, for the reconstruction of I-94 <br />and the interchanges and frontage roads to Rural Residential, <br />as provided for in the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br />Parcel numbers a:re listed for all of the above properties in the <br />the Public Hearing Notice. <br />6. Listing and location of all_-Conditional.Use..Permits in the -City. <br />The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing and voted unanimously <br />to,recommend approval of the revised Zoning Map. The map will <br />become a new section, 301.070, in the Zoning Ordinance. <br />Deferred Items B, C, and D, until 9 p.m. <br />7. ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />B. Cottage Grove Ravine Watershed Plan - Engineer Bohrer referred <br />the Council to his letter -of March ll 983, which itemized the <br />information, he believes, should be identified to protect the City's <br />interest with either a Joint Powers Agreement or a Watershed District <br />for the Cottage Grove Ravine Project. Estimated cost for a basic <br />Drainage Plan for that portion of Lake Elmo within the Cottage Grove <br />Ravine Watershed was $12,500. Whittaker noted that contingency <br />reserves would have to be used to finance this work. <br />--Fraser - questioned the possibility of assessing property owners <br />in this area for a portion of the cost as th <br />--Whittaker - could assess under Statute 429 or if the property <br />owners would petition. Not':•pos Uble_ to subsidize the plq_n <br />through assessment unless the property owners agree,. <br />--Fraser - more appropriate that the benefitted property owners <br />contribute to the cost rather than having the entire City absorb <br />the cost. <br />--Nder - recommended setting up a special district and assessing <br />the lands within this district for the study - new Watershed law <br />provides for this. <br />--Fraser - would like to see alternate financing approaches. <br />--Whittaker - want to get the input in before the planning process <br />is started . If the problems in Lake Elmo are better defined, then <br />the needs of the City can be better determined in the planning process. <br />