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04-19-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-19-83 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 19, 1983 <br />12. <br />9, COUNCIL REPORT: <br />A. Dave MbVan - Continued <br />--Vance-" rannis, Willis Hutchinson Attorney <br />By passage of this motion, effectively rezoning the land such action requires a 4/5 vote, Based on the action two weeks <br />ago, the land is now. zoned. As understand what the motion is <br />doing, it is trying to rezone what was rezoned and by State' <br />Law that takes a 4/5 vote, <br />--Gordon Moosbrugger - not rezoning - reconsidering a motion that <br />was passed at the last meeting, <br />--Ray Marshall seems that the result will be just that - a <br />rezoning, unless misinterpret the action, believe the statement <br />is correct and action would take a 4/5 vote just as the original <br />rezoning, <br />--Morgan - cannot see when the due process of law is not followed <br />and then say need a 4/5 vote to undo what was not legal - not <br />talking about rezoning - talking about following the proper, <br />lawful procedure for holding a public hearing. <br />--Eder - appreciate what;g.ou are saying, but right or wrong a <br />motion passed at the last meeting by a 4/5 vote that officially <br />rezoned the land. <br />,-Ray Marshall - only question is the propriety of the notice - <br />Morgan - would request that another legal opinion be secured <br />besides that of the City Attorney. Have some reasons that have <br />been stated a number of times. I think there is a possibility <br />of a vested interest in that development. <br />--Dunn - warned and advised the Administrator that the City Attorney <br />should be prepared specifically for the question on the notice. <br />--Morgan - requested that Item A. 2. EAW be deleted. <br />--Fraser - requested that Item B. 1. Informational Meeting and a <br />public hearing be deleted. <br />Council agreed to both requests. <br />--Whittaker - asked the City Attorney to comment on the effect of <br />the Council action. <br />--Ray Marshall - think we're right back where we started from. <br />Seems if there wasn't a 4/5 vote nothing can be done about the <br />previous action. Essence of the motion was to rezone and cannot rez, <br />without published notice, notification of the property owner and <br />a 4/5. Council approval. <br />--Fraser - the view of the City Attorney that a 4/5 <br />vote is required to undo the action taken on April 5. <br />--Morgan- disagrees, previous action was taken in error, therefore, <br />a 4/5 vote does not relate <br />M/S/P Fraser/Eder directing the City Administrator not to take <br />further action on this matter at this time. Carried 3-2. Morgan and <br />Dunn opposed. <br />--Morgan - should establish a policy whereby consideration of <br />large rezonings Ise doiisidered over a two meeting period. <br />M/S/ Dunn/Morgan to instruct the Administrator to present the <br />proposal and actions of the City Planning Commission and City <br />Council to Attorney Jim Lammers for legal opinion. <br />Discussion- <br />--Fraser thinks thiswillonly be needless legal expense. <br />'harried 3-2. Fraser and Mazzara opposed. <br />--Eder - Advised the Council that he expects that they will <br />accept and follow the opinion of Mr. Lammer. <br />
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