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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL -13- <br />10. ADMINISTRATOR''S REPORT: <br />A. Ordinance 795'0 Am'en'd'ing MiningO'r'd'in'an'ce - <br />M/'S/P Mazzara/Morgan to approve Ordinance 7950, an Ordinance <br />amending Section 901.020 B of the 1979 Municipal Ccde. Carried 5-0. <br />B. Demontreyille'Acce'ss Extra Duty Police - <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Fraser to authorize $600 for extra duty deputy patrol <br />at the Demontreville Access. Carried 5-0. <br />C. Clean U19 Days Charges - Handled earlier <br />D. Building Inspector's Report - The Council reviewed the Building <br />Inspector s report, The Council accepted the report as <br />presented. <br />E. Assistant' Administrator Interview 'Sch&dtiiIb - The Administrator will <br />meet May 7 at 8 a.m, to screen t e ape ications with the <br />Personnel Committee. <br />The Interview team and date for interviewing applicants was <br />acceptable with the Council. <br />F. Raleigh Tire Damage - The Council reviewed the letter from <br />Cif Raleig . W ittaker informed the Council that the claim <br />was .rejected by the contractor's insurance company. The <br />Council agreed the claim should be submitted to the City's <br />insurance company. <br />G. Satellites Lake :lane Access - The Council instructed the <br />Administrator to contact tH DNR and request that satellites <br />be placed at the Lake Jane Public Access. <br />ADJOURN: M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to adjourn at 10:25 p.m. <br />RESOLUTIONS: 83-29 - Sealcoat Feasibility Hearing <br />83-30 - Midland Meadows Plat Extension <br />ORDINANCE: 7950 - Mining Ordinance <br />