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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 19, 1983 -2- <br />5., PARKS COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT - Continued; <br />Sunfish Park - Ed Nielsen reported that a great deal of trail work <br />will be done in the park. The ski trails will be widened to <br />accomodate the use of a two -track groomer; also, all the trails <br />will be brushed out and sprayed for weeds. A trail from the <br />parking lot to the corn field is proposed. This would provide <br />interior access to the park field without having to use the <br />Friedrich property. <br />The Vita Course is proposed for the trails in the NE corner. <br />Volunteer help is planned for building the course stations. <br />The stations will be designed and constructed next to the ski/ <br />walking trail. This area is adjacent to Sunfish Lake, The PAC <br />believes the Vita Course concept will grow in popularity as did <br />cross country skiing and may be placed throughout the park system. <br />Mr. Nielsen indicated that the Park Commission would take over <br />the responsibility for trail maintenance, feeling the cost would <br />be minimal to them. He also mentioned that the area of City <br />Park Pond will be cleaned and brushed out. <br />The Commission has inquired about stocking Sunfish Lake - noted <br />there was good fishing until the lake froze out 2 years ago. <br />DNR will not stock a lake unless there is a boat access. The <br />only boat access to Sunfish is a carry over for conoes. The <br />Commission does not want to develop any other type of access. <br />--Kay Hilpish, 10732 Stillwater Blvd - lives on Sunfish Lake - <br />Questioned the stocking proposal, When the lake freezes out <br />there are multidutes of dead fish that wash up on shore. Shallow <br />lake - 12-15 ft. deep, <br />--Ed Nielsen - could aeriate - just asking is the Council would <br />be receptive to the idea. The Council gave no response. <br />--Kay Hilpish - questioned the use of firearms in or around the <br />park. <br />--Eder - City Ordinance prohibits the use of firearms within <br />the park or transporting them through the park to get to a <br />non-public area. He noted that hunting is permited on private <br />property only as provided by City Ordinance. <br />--Bill Eder, City resident - asked about an -over -population of <br />deer in the park„and the probability of a deer hunting season. <br />--Ed Nielsen - Any deer season would be a limited bow and arrow <br />season. A DNR official will be walking the park area with <br />park commissioners in May to determine if there is a population <br />problem. <br />--Mayor Eder - recommended that additional signs reading "No <br />Motorized Vehicles Allowed in Park" be installed. <br />Demontreville Park - Sue Dunn outlined the two park areas. <br />The park off Demontreville Trail presently has hiking and cross- <br />country ski trails. Also the bridge crossing the creek area is <br />now in. The park off Highlands trail will be filled(with donated <br />material) to create a sandlot ballfield. The Commission would like <br />to have basic grading done. The Jaycees have indicated that they <br />will take on Demontreville Park as their next project on the <br />completion of improvements to Tablyn Park. <br />Reid Park - Sue Dunn explained the improvements that will be <br />completed with LAWCON Funds in 1983. <br />