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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 19, 1983 <br />-3- <br />'5, PARKS COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT - Continued: <br />Parks Survey - The Council reviewed the proposed survey that will <br />Be Tsent to all City residents. Ed Nielsen said the intent of the <br />survey is to determine how many residents know where the City <br />parks are, what is offered at each and what facilities they use. <br />May need to develop a pamphlet to better inform and'familiarize <br />residents with the park system. <br />--Eder - survey may be too open, too general. Park Bond Issue <br />identified certain uses for each park that should considered <br />before anticipating alternate suggestions. <br />--Fraser - recommended using an alternate distribution method for <br />the survey other than the City Newsletter. Suggested that <br />survey list activities presently provided in each park and <br />survey which ones are used. Question 4_- suggested wording <br />ask what other activities would be desirable in each park; <br />and delete ItemssV. &_'G. (City owned Swimming Pool and Public <br />Swimming on Lake Elmo). Question 5. - no purpose in making <br />inquiries about the Regional Park - this is not City territory. <br />Question 6. Does not feel this is a question residents can <br />answer. <br />--Ed Nielsen - concurred with several of the suggestions. The <br />Commission will review the suggestions and redraft the survey. <br />6. MAINTENANCE FOREMAN - DAVE WISDORF: <br />A. Weed Sprayer - Because the cost to contract weed spraying($600) <br />on park trails, Widdorf recommended that the City purchase <br />its own weed sprayer for $450. It could be pulled behind the <br />Cub tractor and could be also used at Lions Park to fertilize. <br />M/S/'P Morgan/'Mazzara to approve the purchase of a Weed Sprayer <br />based on the inspection of the equipment by the Maintenance <br />Foreman. Carried 5-0. <br />B. Civil DefenseRadio Connection to Fire Department - For the <br />purpose of communication between the Maintenance Foreman, who <br />is also Civil Defense Director, and the Fire Department during <br />a Civil Defense or natural disaster emergency, Wisdorf and <br />the Fire Chief, Bruce Kuettner, proposed modifying the Fire <br />Department radios to carry the Maintenance Department radio <br />frequency. Cost for this modification is $2,624.17 with funds <br />appropriated from the Equipment Reserves of both departments. <br />Wisdorf further explained how the equipment would be modified. <br />--Bill Eder - Firefighter - noted that the Fire Department would <br />like an open channel (presently, they share a channel with <br />the Washington County Sheriff Department)in order to <br />increase communication between firefighters at'. -a Fire scene. <br />Could communicate with more people if it were just a Lake <br />Elmo Channel. <br />--Morgan - concerned about the cost. Suggested purchasing <br />one radio for the Eire Department that would provide <br />communication between the Maintenance Department and Fire <br />Department. <br />--Whittaker - could modify the Fire Department Base. This <br />would permit the Fire Department to have communication - <br />with the Maintenance Department and would cost about $200. <br />