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04-19-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-19-83 CCM
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/ LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 19, 1983 -5- <br />7.' OLD BUSINESS:\ <br />B.,hxtexision,,w�,M3*land,geadoWs,RI'at <br />_ - <br />i adopt Resolution 83-30, a resolution granting <br />l M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to*c3rant a one year extension, until <br />*amended April 19, 1984, for;'Fina1 Plat Approval for Midland Meadows. <br />5/3/83 Carried 5-0. <br />C, C'otttage`•GroVe,,Ra.v ne .- Whittaker reported that a meeting with <br />the property owenrss is scheduled for April 26. To date, the Joint <br />Powers meeting has not been rescheduled. He will notify the <br />Council when an alternate date is set. <br />D. The Council approvedthe schedule. <br />8, ENGINEER'S RE'PORT:. <br />A. S'ealco'ating�Hearin�q - The Council reviewed the draft notice. <br />Eder recommended-ci§anging the wording to state "all City <br />maintained streets"'. The Council agreed. Notification will <br />be sent to property owners, published in the legal newspaper, <br />and City Newsletter <br />*amended M/S/P Fraser/Dunn to adopt* Rn83:--29, a Resolution*accepting the <br />5-3-83 Feasibility Study and calling a public nearing on the Sealcoating <br />Program for all City maintained streets. The public hearing will <br />be held May 11, 1983 at7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. <br />D. Gontam xaatat• emova7-�.Ynke g�ine^.L-and'f'ill Whittaker reported <br />that` -he and t i y Engirieer met vith THe County to discuss <br />the proposed decontamination testing program. He also noted that <br />the PCA wants to hold an informational meeting for City residents <br />to explain the proposed testing program and. how -it would work. <br />The Administrator will setup a meeting date and notify the Council. <br />The City Engineer explained the decontamination/aeriation process <br />proposed by the County. The County is looking for City approval <br />to initiate the program. The testing program will enable the <br />County to deterinine the feasibility of setting up additional <br />decontamination systems to remove the contaminated water on a <br />larger scale. A PAC permit will be required. Bohrer reported <br />that the process has been 90°% successful in other areas where it <br />has been used. <br />Morgan , some of the contaminate are not as volatile as others - <br />some are not volatile at all. A rigid monitoring system is <br />necessary to make sure no contaminats remain. Proposing to out- <br />let the "decontaminated" water next to the Valley Branch/Lake <br />Jane outlet pipe, which travels overground to City 'aark Pond. <br />This is a high perc area and aTiv "decontaminated" water should <br />remain in +he test area and not move any closer to the City <br />--Whittaker - they do not believe the water will reach City Park <br />Pond but will seep into the ground and quickly perc away. <br />--Eder - concerned about moving this much water in conjunction with <br />the Lake Jane pumping. There is no way this 'water should 'Leave <br />this site (approx. 100.'A- original landfill site). At the time <br />the landfill was developed the Counties guaranteed this situation <br />would not happen they should solve the problem on -site. <br />Morgan agreed - acceptable to discharge the ".decontaminated" <br />water onto the landfill property, want more technical discussion <br />before approving the testing program. <br />
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