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/ LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 19, 1983 <br />i <br />B. Civil Defense Radio Connection - Continued - <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to approve modifying the Fire Department Base <br />Radio to open a channel between the Maintenance Department and <br />Fire Hall for Civil Defense purposes, for an estimated cost of <br />$200. <br />Discussion - <br />--Fraser - would prefer to .see all the radios modifyied. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />C. Clean 'Up Days Fees - Wisdorf recommended that fees for <br />Clean".Up Days e app ied across the board. In the past, the City <br />waived the fee for the Tri-Lakes Association. Wisdorf said that <br />this action caused problems with other residents at last year's <br />clean up and also felt it resulted in $300/$400 in lost revenue. <br />He recommended that the Association charge a percentage of the <br />load to those utilizing their service which would off -set the <br />Clean -Up Day ;fee. <br />--Eder - discussed this with an Association committee member <br />who expressed no o$zjection to the fees. The member did ask <br />if the Tri-Lakes trucks could get right in as their trucks <br />fill up. <br />--Wisdorf - will decide how to handle this at the time. If the <br />line is very long may need to take two Tri-Lakes trucks for <br />each individual vehicle. <br />--Dunn - recommended some type of receipt system. System needs <br />more accounting in order to avoid criticism. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn to apply , the fees for Clean -Up Day to all <br />individuals using the service. <br />Discussion - <br />--Morgan - in the past the Tri-Lakes Association had crews cleaning <br />up the entire area of winter debris. Association should not have <br />to pay for dumping trash cleaned up off the right-of-ways. <br />Carried 3-1-1. Morgan opposed. Mazzara abstained. <br />7. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Klawitter Zoning Violation - <br />The Council reviewed the Building Inspector's memo outlining <br />the history of the Klawitter operation, which is continuing <br />to operate,,in violation of the City Zoning Ordinance. The <br />Cit_v Attorney asked that the Council be made aware the <br />situation still exists and asked if they want him to continue <br />action against their operation. <br />--Dunn do not see this operation as anything different than <br />what goes on all over Lake Elmo. Problems with actively <br />pursuing these witch hunts. <br />--Fraser gave the background of the situation and stated the <br />Council should support the Building inspector and Ordinances. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Eder instructing the City Attorney to proceed <br />with the necessary legal steps. Carried 4-1. Dunn opposed. <br />-Eder - noted that these situations should be handled more <br />quickly. The violation identified, violator notified to <br />cease , if no response, immediate enforcement of the Code. <br />