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04-19-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-19-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 19, 1983 7, <br />9. COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Dave Morgan - <br />1. Hearing Procedure Clarification"- Hutchinson Rezoning - <br />MIS/ Morgan/Dunn to amend the agenda placing Item C. Statement <br />from Gordon Mbosibrugger be placed before Item A. <br />--Fraser - asked the reason for changing the agenda order. <br />--Morgan - talked to property owners adjacent to the Hutchinson <br />property who stated that they had not been notified of the <br />public hearing for the rezoning request. Mr. 'Mbosbrugger <br />going to address this subject. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Gordon Moosbrugger, Attorney -_ ;Made the -following statement to the <br />Council: <br />Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council - If you sometimes feel <br />lonely because you do not have a lot of public interest in what <br />you are doing, look around (noted the number of people present) <br />and it is obvious that the people of the community are very <br />interested in what their local government is doing when the <br />word gets around. The first question is getting the word around. <br />Based on converstations with a large number of people during the <br />past week it is clear that there was not sufficient public input <br />into the City Council decision to rezone the property to permit <br />the rail car unloading yard on the Hutchinson property. Public <br />input into a matter of that scope affects the community,as greatly <br />as that does, is a legal right. Technically, recognize that notice <br />of the public hearing was published on the proposed rezoning and <br />did state that it was in reference to a rail car unloading operation; <br />but, the fact that the notice was published and had little or no <br />interest - when you have a turn out as tonight makes it obvious <br />that the notice did not serve its intended purpose and the <br />technicality does not over -ride the obvious. Also, technically <br />there was a fatal flaw in the procedures with respect to senct%xig <br />mailed notice to affected property owners. This, of course, is <br />a fatal flaw in the jurisdiction cf the City to the entire <br />proceeding of the rezoning. Have been satisfied that there was <br />a failure in that respect. <br />The second issue to be addressed is the fact,that based on every- <br />thing I have been able to lea,rn,about the reccrd that you made <br />before the City Council, you did not support the decision to <br />rezone for this use with sufficient findings of fact to enable a <br />reviewing court to determine whether or not the proposed use is <br />reasonable under all the circumstances. This is the test that is <br />applied in determining whether or not the Ordinance is valid. It <br />is the test of reasonableness of the proposed use under all the <br />existing circumstances. <br />Not here to threaten you with a law suit, although, there are <br />people whom I represent who are prepared to go to whatever length <br />is necessary to protect their legal rights in this matter. Am <br />here to ask in behalf of these people to reconsider your action, <br />to rescind the zoning amendment resolution, to remand the matter <br />back to the Planning Commission for a new public hearing and <br />save these people and the City the time and expense of other <br />procedures. Think this is the right way to do it and respect the <br />fact that this is a closely knit community in which the Council <br />members are very close to their neighbors who are their constituents. <br />Think that you can all see that your neighbors and your constituents <br />want to be heard on this matter. Weren't heard before because word <br />did not get around. <br />
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