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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 29, 1983 <br />2 <br />9. COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />C. Moosbrugger Statement - Continued- <br />_.. <br />7, <br />Basic obvious fact is that there is tremendous public interest <br />in this and these people deserve the right to be heard. <br />Respectfully ask you to rescindthe rezoning resolution, remand <br />this for a public hearing to the Planning Commission. <br />A. Dave Morgan - <br />1. Hearing Procedure Clarification - After finding out that <br />proper notice -had not been given, called Mr. Barthelmy and <br />Mr. Quast, both were home and there was no problem at all in <br />getting in contact with them. They said they had received <br />no notification of this hearing. After personally reviewing <br />the Ordinance, feel the action taken by the Council was not <br />according to due process of law. Surely the Council in this <br />City wants public participation. A proposal so significant <br />as this one, demands that the public be informed before any action <br />be `taken and the action that is taken be lawful. Therefore <br />submit this following motion: <br />M/S/ Morgan/Dunn that the City Council admit its error and rescind <br />the action taken at the April 5, 1983 meeting, adopting Ordinance 7949, <br />and instructing the Planning Commission to notify adjacent property <br />owners and hold a public hearing in a lawful way. <br />Discussion: <br />--Fraser - requested the opinion of the City Attorney. Essence <br />of what is being brought up is legal technicalities. <br />--Mazzara would like the City Attorney's opinion on the specific <br />questions brought up — test of reasonableness, due process and <br />where the City lies in admitting error and rescinding the rezoning. <br />--City Attorney, Ray Marshall - not in a position to comment on <br />a lot of the factual items that were mentioned. As far as the <br />adequacy.of the notice, it is my understanding that proper <br />procedures were followed, as they normally are. Administrator <br />may be in a better position to speak to this item. May be <br />appropriate to discuss this initially. <br />--Administrator Whittaker - Certain there was published notice - have <br />the affidavit of publication. Do not personally mail out notices. <br />Edna (Beers) recalls doing it and noted it on the office record <br />sheet, but apparently the adjacent property owners did not receive <br />the notice. The names of the adjacent property owners are on <br />the list of property owners within 350' who are to be notified. <br />Appears, from what has been learned from these people around town, <br />that these residents were not notified. Notice was published, <br />and understand that adjacent property owners were present either <br />at the Planning Commission and/or Council meeting where it was <br />considered. <br />--Bill Barthelmy,property owner within 350' - was not present at <br />the Planning Commission meeting/hearing because was not notified. <br />Was at the Council meeting two weeks ago. <br />--Bruce Dunn - two weeks ago was not the hearing. The hearing was <br />the Planning Commission. Quoted Section 301.060 E. 4, of the <br />City Code relating to hearing procedure. Asked the City Attorney <br />for an interpretation of this requirement. <br />