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05-17-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-17-83 CCM
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Lake Elmo Council Meeting, May 17, 1983 D R A F T -3- <br />For 6 7 83 <br />approval <br />,6. SEELER VACATION'- Continued - <br />There were no other questions from the audience. The findings <br />and recommendations of Bruce Folz were outlined in his letter <br />of May 14, 1983, to Administrator Whittaker, <br />There being no further comments or discussion, Mayor Eder closed <br />the hearing at 8:46 p.m, <br />M/S/'P Dunn/Fraser to adopt R-83-35, a Resolution to vacate that <br />part of the W 1/12 NW 1/6 Sh 1/4 of Sec 14, T29N R21W as outlined <br />on the elevation survey prepared and documented by Barrett M. <br />Stack, Reg, No, 13774, 3-31-81 for Richard Seeler, All pass - <br />through costs will be paid by Mr. Seeler, as previously agreed. <br />Motion carried 5-•0. <br />7, PUBLIC HEARING - GRACE COLOSIMO - APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES: <br />As notice to adjacent property owners was not documented with the <br />new affidavit verification (notices were sent out prior to adoption <br />of the affidavit policyi, Mayor Eder declared the hearing could <br />not be held, Ms. Colosimo requested that the Council still <br />consider her requdest and discuss the situation, <br />--Grace Colosimo - informed the Council that since the Planning <br />Commission would require platting as part of their recommendation, <br />the variance request to the Simple Lot Division was withdrawn, <br />--Wyn John, Jane Road N, - lives on unimproved section of Jane <br />Road right-of-way, Residents on the unimproved portion of Jane <br />Road N. are not prepared to.peition for an improvement until <br />an estimated cost ks determined, Mayor Eder explained the <br />petitioning process, <br />--Grace Colosimo - many questions concerning costs - Bernie Meyer <br />estimated from $7,000-$16,000 to do the unpaved portion of r-o-w. <br />Would like her request considered aside from the Jane Rd. N. <br />improvement question. <br />--Morgan - recommended sooking an approximate estimate <br />for an amount within 10% of the cost - not Jo into a <br />detailed study or spend. a lot of money -do r-o-w location later. <br />--Engineer Bohrer - need to determine the right-of-wav, drainage, etc. <br />Could estimate a cost just based on length and width of the road. <br />Cost to prepare estimate would be abort $150-$200, using <br />current information, viewing the property and doing calculations. <br />--Morgan - Recommended that the City pay for the $200 estimate - <br />if the estimate is reasonable, residents may petition the project. <br />City has been trying for years to resolve this situation. <br />--Mazzara - $200 for cost estimate is a small amount for benefitting <br />residents to pay. <br />--Fraser - not enough justification to waive $200 payment by <br />residents and not follow the City's usual procedure, <br />--Dunn - asked Mr. John if the residents have a strong feeling <br />to get this area improved, <br />--Wyn John - small portion of the residents were present - has <br />talked to the Engineer who outlined the steps involved in <br />establishing the road, Engineer Bohrer again outlined the <br />steps and costs of the petitioning procedure.and costs that <br />the property owners would be responsible for, Mr. John indicted <br />he was reluctant to make any response until all the residents <br />expressed an opinion. <br />--Morgan - stressed reasons why City should pay the initial $200, <br />cited examples, <br />
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