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CITY COUNCIL OF LAKE ELMO, MEETING MAY 17, 1983 D R A F T -4- <br />f0r 6/7 83 <br />approval <br />7. COLOSIMO PUBLIC HEARING - Continued <br />Mayor Eder asked for a.poll concerning adhering to Cty policy <br />for varing the requirements for creating a lot on an unimproved <br />street and creating a lot on a private road. <br />--Fraser reluctant to deviate <br />--Mazzara - not familar, with situation or background. Whittaker <br />explained the road access requirement, private road policy <br />and the Colosimo request.. <br />--Grace Colosimo - talked to Don Raleigh - not proposing to <br />have this a private driveway - understood the non -dedicated <br />right-of-way would have to be dedicated. Colosimo's have been <br />maintaining Jane Rd. N. and their private road since 1979. <br />Would like to continue to live in this area, but, cannot <br />afford to keep present house. Want to sell and rebuild on <br />this property - this is the hardship - believe variance can <br />be granted because of hardship. Cannot afford to pave the <br />present private driveway. Also, Mr. Maistrovich abutting <br />property to Jane Rd. N. and private driveway does not want <br />to pave the private driveway.(Mr. Maistrovich was present, but <br />did not commentp <br />--Eder - explained that hardship cannot be considered in terms of <br />hardship to the individual, but hardship of the land. <br />{-Grace Colosimo - what is next step - do not want to go to expense <br />of platting and not get lot/road variance. <br />--Whittaker - key question is improved public right-of-way off <br />of the driveway/road access to the existing Colosimo home. <br />PZC has asked if the Council will allow a subdivision with <br />the existing situation. <br />--Howard Springborn - owns the Colosimo driveway over which <br />they have easement rights. Keeping road so to have the <br />option of developing lots on his property north of the <br />road/driveway. <br />--Whittaker r explained that by dedicating this driveway to the <br />City he would not forfdat his access to Jane Rd. N. as the <br />area would be preserved as public right-of-way - it does not <br />have to be paved in order to be dedicated right-of-way, <br />--Eder - gave the history of property situation. <br />Poll: <br />--Fraser - reluctant to make regulation changes - <br />--Mazzara - inclined to approve a variance - still like more <br />information, but inclined to allow. <br />--Morgan - favors approving the variances. Would do no harm to <br />the dnvironment. Would like to see Jane Rd. N. brought up to <br />City Standard - already 12 homes serviced off the unimproved <br />portion. <br />--Eder - regulation should be ahered to. This should not have <br />been allowed initially. Not the same situation as when it was <br />approved in 601's . Equability of hardship - land is not the <br />hardship - any one else would have to spend equal dollars to <br />develop 'r.a lot.. and meet the requirements. <br />--Dunn - no problem in granting the variance. <br />--Eder - again explained why the hearing was not held. <br />8. PUBLIC HEARING KEN SOVEREIGN —APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES: <br />Eder explained that the public hearing could not be held because <br />affidavit verification was not made on the public notices that <br />were sent out, <br />