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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 17, 1983 D R A F T -6- <br />'or $3 <br />approval <br />9. A. LAKE JANNE PUMP BACK-UP:,M'a n`teOha)lceba�'k-UO,fbr'die'sel pump. <br />Dick Murray presented the Wiate.rshed's request for City crew <br />back-up when Watershed maintenance employee, Elmer Richert <br />requires leave time (eg. sick, emergency, personal, etc.J Tie <br />City'crew will be given advance notice when they will be needed <br />for back-up. He explained the daily maintenance routine;and, <br />gave a brief up-da.te of the flood condition on Jane. He also <br />reported that 'sandbags were not put on the weir at Lake Olson. <br />Valley Branch will pay the wages of the City Employees,,and Elmer <br />Richert, but requested that the'City administrate the pay roll. <br />Administrator Whittaker said the City had a previous letter of <br />agreement defining administration, overhead costs, etc. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara authorizinq the City Maintenance Crew to <br />serve as diesel pump maintenance back-up-for-Watershed=,mantenance <br />employee Elmer Richert; and following previous payroll - <br />procedures for paying employees of 'Walley Branch working <br />on the hake Jane Pump. Carried 5-0. <br />]D. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. , Sect'iton` 32"- 'Con'cep't', Plan - Whittaker explained the plan <br />and tie 'ideas and'"intents of the Section 32 residents <br />in developing the proposal. The property owners asked <br />for a general response from the Council before further <br />refining and incorporating the natural amenities of the <br />area into the plan. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser accepting the Concept Plan for Section 32 <br />as developed by Section 32 property owners and outlined by the <br />City Administrator. Carried 5-0. <br />B. ordin'ah'ce' ,1'9;52'=�,,Ras','8`p't�irig'��'9rdinence\\79'17 - Section 1404.101 <br />was omitted when Section Y4QO was�reoodi-fied. Ordinance 7952 <br />readopts this Section into the Code. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara to adopt Ordinance 7952, an Ordinance readopting <br />Ordinance 7917 - Section 1404.010 - Other Animals. Carried 5-0. <br />C. Newsletter Distribution - Brooks Superette, Haeberg`s Country <br />Store -an—LE Bank have agreed to have a distribution rack <br />for the City Newsletter, No additional costs should be <br />incurred and this would provide better circulation of the <br />Newsletter. The Council agreed to this=additional means <br />of distribution. <br />n. COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Mayor Eder Represenitatlive - <br />er explained the importance and necessity bf-having a <br />representative and alternate on this Comm-.ttee. Work <br />will include.. developing a plan for the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District. <br />M/S/P.tiFraser/Mazzara appointing Maynard Eder, Representative, <br />and David Morgan, Alternate Representative, to the VBWD <br />Planning Committee. Motion carried 3-0-2. Morgan and Eder abstained. <br />