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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 17, 1983 DoR A 83 -5- <br />approval <br />8, PUBLIC HEARING KEN SOVEREIGN n Continued <br />Whittaker explained the request and said the PZC would like <br />the Council."s feeling on the variance requests before making <br />a recommendation. He noted the Commission recommendation <br />of May 9, 1983. <br />--Ken Sovereign - after considering the Planning Commission suggestion, <br />from:an engineering point, this was not a good idea since <br />it would lock in the rest of the property for future development <br />by reducing the area needed for a cul-de-sac. Also, does not <br />feel it is a good idea to place another access onto Olson Lake <br />Road, He explained lot configuration relationships for an <br />1 1/2 acre and 1.15 acre lots. By requiring an 1 1/2 acre <br />lot the City is asking for the largest lot on Demontreville <br />and Olson Lakes, Determined that PZC suggestion would not <br />make sense, <br />--Eder - asked for a plan for proposed future development. <br />--Ken Sovereign - just want to plat one lot not the entire parcel. <br />--Whittaker - recommended that Sovereign"s develop a preliminary <br />plat and request a variance for the lot size of this lot. <br />--Ken Sovereign - not going to spend any money unldss Council <br />will give assurance of varying the 1.15 lot size. <br />Engineer Bohrer - this request almost identical to Crombie and <br />Neudahl requests. Recommended that Mr. Sovereign also <br />address ponding requirements for single lot platting. <br />--Morgan - would consider a variance After reviewing a preliminary <br />sketch plan and a request for variance. <br />---Ken Sovereign - disagreed this would require ponding. Will <br />Orppar6 a layout - makes no sense to require 125 ft for this <br />lake lot. <br />9, BRAD FARNHAM, J'URAN & MOODY - SEALCOAT PROGRAM FINANCING; <br />Administrator Whittaker requested that Mr. Farnham attend the <br />meeting and explain financing approaches and options for the <br />Sealcoat Program. <br />Mr, Farnham distributed three alternative schedules - 1983 <br />Sealcoat Programl 1984 Sealcoat Program; and a combined 1983- <br />1984 Program. After reviewing the alternatives, he outlined <br />the Tax Impact Analysis for each, per his schedules of 5/17/83. <br />He noted that the City would have to order both the 1983 and <br />1984 Project in order to get the combined bonding advantages, <br />provided, of course, the City intends to go ahead with the 1984 <br />project, <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara adopting R-83-36, A resolution ordering the <br />1984 Sealcoat Program as outlined at the public hearing of May <br />11, 1983, and the Sealcoat Feasibility Study. Said project <br />being ordered to allow the City greater bonding flexability <br />options. Carried 5-0. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn setting dune 7, 1983, 7:15 p,m. as the selling date <br />for the 1983-84 Sealcoat Project Bonds. <br />BREAK <br />