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05-03-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-03-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MTG. - 5/3/83 Page eleven <br />A. Lake Jane Landfill - Whittaker said the Washington County Planning <br />Department has agreed in principle that none of this water will leave the site. <br />They want to postpone the public meeting until the final report is done; <br />however, they are sending out a informational letter to all the people around <br />the landfill to advise them of the current status of activities. Hopefully by <br />the first of June, the report will have been received and accepted by the County <br />Board on the whole contamination problem and then they would hold a public <br />informational meeting. I'll send a copy of that letter to you. <br />e Eder - Suggested that Whittaker ask the County for an update, say every other <br />month. <br />B. Cleanup Day Permit - Will provide for people who are organizing.Tri- <br />Lakes Association cleanup to get their trucks in and out without charge. Fees <br />are $5 a car, $6 small trailer, $10 for a truck, and about $25 for a big <br />trailer. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan that the City let Tri-Lakes dump free as outlined by <br />Whittaker. (Carried 5-0) <br />C. Section 32, Concept Plan - M/S/P Fraser/Mazarra that we defer this <br />item to the next meeting. (Carried 5-0) <br />10. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Resolution on Comprehensive Sewer Plan - M/S/P Fraser/Mazarra to <br />adopt Resolution R-83-31 that the sewer section in Lake Elmo's Comprehensive <br />Plan is our Comprehensive Sewer Plan until the issues around the waste -to - <br />energy plant are resolved. (Carried 5-0) <br />B. Joint Meeting with Planning Commission - The Planning Commission has <br />reviewed the areas in the Comprehensive Plan that they have had a problem with <br />and would like to present their recommendations to the City Council, after which <br />they would schedule public hearings on the amendments of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Consensus of Councillors was that the meeting would be held June 14. Whittaker <br />will send Councillors packet of what Planning Commissioners want to bring up. <br />C. Ordinance 7951, Subdivision Amendments - The only substantive change is <br />a limit on the number of lots one can create by simple lot division which is <br />basically a limit of two lots in platted areas. The amendments recommended are <br />primarily just to update the number of copies required for an application, <br />spelling out of fees by ordinance in lieu of resolution, and be more specific <br />about simple lot subdivision. The subdivision ordinance doesn't require a <br />public hearing but one can be held for variances. <br />M/S/P Eraser/Mazarra to adopt Ordinance 7951 to amend the subdivision <br />ordinance. (Carried 5-0) <br />D. Use of City Hall - Use of City Hall has previously been basically <br />reserved for public and quasi -public meetings. Concern has been that we <br />couldn't possibly accommodate all City groups. <br />• Fraser - It would be perfectly reasonable to look at other requests that come <br />in; and if the Council deems it appropriate, we should change the policy to <br />
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