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05-03-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-03-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MTG. - 5/3/83 page twelve <br />include that type of group and do it in a 2generic, categorical way *-Rtl-igtova <br />groups-*aeuld net be-appxwprfate,-kcxsever-a group such as "Concerned Citizens" <br />*amended would be appropriate. <br />5/17/83 • Dunn - I have no problems with this but there would have to be accountability <br />for security, etc. <br />• Whittaker - we could have groups fill out forms applying for use of City Hall. <br />• Morgan - should have simple guidelines and should eliminate groups totally out <br />of context with a public service or public interest; requirement could be non- <br />profit group, Lake Elmo group, etc. <br />• Eder - Make sure that, with the application, we get a copy of the guidelines <br />so that we know what has to be amended. <br />* • -Fuse-r =Doalt-t-ARk--we-ean--get--too-egeei44:&. <br />E. Park Survey - The Park Commission suggested several changes after their <br />meeting with the Council last Tuesday; do they satisfy the questions that were <br />raised? <br />• Fraser - My concern is that I don't see the Newsletter at this time as being <br />sufficiently widely distributed to use it this way. There's been some <br />discussion in the past of putting the survey into boxes at places like the post <br />office, Hagbergs, Brooks Superette at Cimarron, the White Hat, the bank, etc. <br />• Whittaker - 1900 Newletters are printed and distributed and we probably have <br />about 2200 to 2500 homes. It cost $300 to mail out sealcoating notice to 1500 <br />residences. <br />• Fraser - Although to mail out a flyer, it costs $150, and this would spruce <br />up the Newsletter mailing list. <br />• Whittaker - We would have to use someone's permit. Possibility is to send it <br />to every boxholder. Survey could be finalized and distribution worked out <br />later. Will check with other people we have so we can put boxes out for <br />Newsletter and get back to you on distribution. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to accept the Parks Questionnaire as modified in the 4/19/83 <br />Park Commission minutes. (Carried 5-0) <br />F. Personnel Committee - My choice of sixteen of the best applicants were <br />given to Councillors; Personnel Committee and any Councillor interested would go <br />through for preference and pick top three. <br />• Fraser - There isn't a lot there on any of the applicants. We might want to <br />work out on Saturday some standard things that we can ask each of the best <br />candidates. <br />• Whittaker agrees to some more objective criteria; meeting is May 7, Saturday, <br />at 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. <br />G. Richard Seeder Vacation, Highway 5 Right -of -Way - Mr. Seeler came in <br />three years ago and asked the City Council to clear up a problem with an old <br />right-of-way on Highway 5 (now Stillwater Lane). At that time, the Council <br />approved it and authorized a quit claim deed to get rid of this little piece of <br />triangular property. We waited 2 1/2 years for Mr. Seeler to get a legal <br />description of the property, and then his attorney recommended that it be <br />vacated. So tonight I'm asking that a public hearing be held for this vacation <br />and that a surveyor check the legal description to make sure we're not giving up <br />any part of Stillwater Lane. <br />
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