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05-03-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-03-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MTG. - 5/3/83 <br />Page three <br />fM/S/P Fraser/Morgan to delay a decision on this subject to the agenda under <br />Old Business. (Carried 5-0) <br />B. Erosion Control Project, Lake Elmo Regional Reserve - Bohrer said <br />Washington County has submitted plans and specifications for this third erosion <br />control project. Since the project meets the Shoreland Ordinance's requirements <br />for grading and filling, we recommend the issuance of a Shoreland Permit for the <br />work. Elevations have been submitted in the construction drawings. Recommenda- <br />tions that should be transmitted to the County are: <br />1. The retention dikes are designed on the basis of a 10-year storm. If <br />much larger storms occur, portions of the dike may fail causing 3 to 4 acre-feet <br />of water to move downstream rapidly. The County should not allow activities <br />such as camping downstream of these structures. <br />2. Part of the work seems to extend onto Dayton -Hudson property. The <br />County should acquire the necessary easements prior to construction. <br />3. The pipe outlets are not furnished with any rip rap or energy dissipa- <br />tion. If erosion occurs, the County may have to perform some remedial action at <br />a later date. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazarra that the City approve a Shoreland Permit for the erosion <br />control work in Washington County Regional Park and that the recommendations, <br />Items 1 thru 3, in Larry Bohrer's letter of 3/3/83 be submitted to Mike Fox of <br />Washington County. (Carried 5-0) <br />C. Assessment Policy, Sealcoating - The public hearing for the proposed <br />6-year sealcoating program is scheduled for May 11 at Oakland Junior High. <br />Should discuss proposed method of assessing, provide public with more accurate <br />information, and explain that we could be included in Washington County's 1983 <br />open -bid sealcoating program at a 10% savings over feasibility study if decision <br />is made by May 13. Project must be assessed at least 20% up to a maximum of <br />100%; if we sell general obligation bonds to pay for improvement and assess less <br />than 100%, the difference can be made up as an ad valorem tax over the entire <br />community, which has been done in other communities. Reasoning for ad valorem <br />is that people who do not live on these streets still use and benefit from City <br />street network and lessens tax on individual. From $62-72,000 is allocated each <br />year for a 3-year period. <br />• Whittaker - we're probably going to have to use what we normally budget for <br />sealcoating to pay for unpaid assessments (Green Acres - can't collect these <br />assessments). <br />• Eder - should start with a minimum of 10% paid by the City so we can get all <br />streets in timeframe, therefore assessing 90% to abutting property owners. <br />• Fraser - would consider going down to 80%. <br />• Morgan - certainly 90% would be max, would like to get it lower. What would <br />90% assessment be on the average? (Bohrer - rates would vary from $.61 to .73 <br />per front foot and would be a one-time assessment every sixth year.) <br />• Tom Armstrong - My assessment would be $3,100 at 100% every six years, or <br />$500/year forever. I think there should be footage limits (say, 200 feet) for <br />streets going through farms since we were assessed $4,000 for gravelling in <br />1964; and the Council should consider large tracts since the public utilizes <br />these through roads. Green Acres creates a time bomb since the interest which <br />will have to be paid later adds up. Also, these assessments are not tax <br />deductible. <br />
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