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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MTG. - 5/3/83 <br />Page four <br />• Eder - the most urgent problem we have to address now is the residential <br />streets for the hearing. Guidelines are needed for maximum people would pay. <br />o Whittaker - decision we have to make quickly is if we want to get in on the <br />County sealcoating program; assessment hearing can be held after improvements <br />are made. <br />♦ Morgan - perhaps we should work out the two options, 20% and 90% assessments <br />and something in the middle. <br />♦ Eder - same theme in localized area was Hidden Bay where assessments were <br />divided equally amongst number of parcels. <br />♦ Whittaker - MSA project is handled by dividing number of zoning lots per <br />parcel. This is policy decision - what's the fairest way to spread this cost. <br />♦ Eder - fairest way to go into this hearing is to have several options on how <br />to handle densely populated areas and get comments on how to handle this. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazarra to take items discussed here to public hearing and which <br />are to be presented as various alternatives of financing. (Carried 5-0) <br />V. anorelana rermir a variance, harry nngiana - nonrer expiainea applica- <br />tion for Shoreland Permit by Harry England at 9429 Jane Road North. Permit was <br />reviewed for conformance with Shoreland regulations and individual septic system <br />section of the City code. The Englands' proposal to replace their failed septic <br />system meets the sewer system ordinance and also meets the setback requirements <br />on Lake Jane. However, the Shoreland Ordinance is more restrictive and the <br />proposal does not meet the required horizontal setback of 75' from the High <br />Flood Mark (elevation 928) or minimum building elevation of 931. If Council <br />( wishes the new septic system to be installed because of the various economic <br />hardships, etc., the following variances would be required as spelled out in <br />Larry's Bohrer's letter dated 3/3/83: <br />1. Variance to locate the drainfield less than 20' from the home. <br />2. Variance to construct bottom of drainfield trenches at elevation 928 <br />where 931 is required. <br />3. Variance to construct drainfield within 30' of High Flood Mark where <br />75' is required. <br />Larry Bohrer has contacted DNR, and this application would meet the State <br />shoreland regulations; they have given their okay. Report will be sent on to <br />them. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to grant Shoreland Permit and variances as recommended by <br />Engineer, Mr. Bohrer. (Carried 4 ayes, Eder abstain) <br />Bohrer - DNR procedure has been that building official receives application; <br />shoreland permits are sent to Bohrer for review and then he sends review to DNR. <br />Would suggest building official send application to DNR concurrently with <br />engineer. <br />E. 201 Update - In February when we applied for grant, we anticipated we <br />would receive a grant offer from the EPA in May. We been notified that they are <br />reviewing this application and concur that there is no environmental impact of <br />this project. They must publish their findings and they're going to wait 30 <br />days for public comment. This puts date of offer back to as late as July which <br />won't affect 1984 construction of these improvements. <br />