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05-03-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-03-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - 5/3/83 Page five <br />E. Speed Zone and Children Playing Sign - 42nd Street does not fall under <br />the statutory 30 mph speed limit in urban areas, therefore the Council will have <br />to pass a resolution to have DoT do a study and establish a speed zone at no <br />cost. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to adopt Resolution R-83-32 requesting a speed study and <br />establishing a speed limit on 42nd Street equivalent to Lake Jane Trail. <br />(Carried 5-0). <br />Consensus of Councillors was that a "children playing" sign should be put <br />up on top of the grade. <br />8. JAMES LAMMERS, LEGAL OPINION ON C&NW REZONING - M/S/P Eder/Mazarra that <br />Council go in temporary executive session and get whatever advice is necessary <br />regarding potential lawsuit for a maximum of one-half hour. (Carried 5-0) <br />Mayor Eder reconvened the meeting at 9:20 p.m. M/S/P Mazarra/Fraser that the <br />executive session be continued to 9:40 p.m. (Carried 4 ayes; Morgan nay) <br />Mayor Eder reconvened the meeting at 9:46 p.m. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazarra that any Council member who wishes to do so be given an <br />opportunity to comment on their beliefs in regard to the legality of the <br />ordinance. (Carried 5-0) <br />• Morgan - My position hasn't changed; I feel that we acted unlawfully by not <br />following the City ordinance giving written notice to the property owners within <br />350' of this proposed development. And therefore, I think we should start back <br />and hold the hearing by the Planning Commission in a lawful way. And the <br />letter that I received from the railroad threatening me certainly does not speak <br />well for the railroad as a good citizen in this City. And I don't feel that I <br />am doing anything wrong in carrying out the charter in which I was elected and <br />protecting the laws of this City. <br />• Dunn - About all I can add to that is an amen. <br />s Fraser - I continue to believe that the ordinance is in effect. I think there <br />has been a question raised on a technical flaw; I don't think the flaw is one of <br />substance. <br />s Mazarra - We've got, as City Council members, various opinions and feelings on <br />exactly what direction we as a City Council should take as far as the rezoning <br />of the railroad tracks is concerned. I've received some papers here stating a <br />possible lawsuit of substantial amounts of money. I'm not convinced that we as <br />a city have done anything wrong. My gut feeling is that we differ too much as <br />far as the Council is concerned. What I would like to do is remand this or have <br />a declaratory judgment, in other words move this to the courts, allow the court <br />to decide if the option we took was actually valid or not valid. From that <br />point, if they declare that it was valid, the rezoning would stay. My feeling <br />is that they're probably going to declare it invalid. At that point, the City <br />will take the procedure to the Planning Commission, rehear it, come back a month <br />from now and hopefully resolve the situation. The only reason I'm doing this is <br />that we're not going to have a consensus here; and to me, because we don't have <br />
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