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06-14-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-14-83 CCM
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SPECIAL, JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE lly 1983 <br />Mayor Eder called the Council meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. <br />Councillors present: Dunn, Fraser, Mazzara, Morgan (7:15). Also present <br />Administrator Whittaker, <br />AGENDA: Additions — <br />3. Interest Rate for Sealcoating Project Bonds <br />M/S/P Fraeo /Mazzara to approve the agenda, as amended. Carried 4-0. <br />1. BOARD OF RMEW: <br />Whittaker reported that the tax revenue decrease to the City, resulting from <br />the market value decrease proposed by the Assessor for homes affected by <br />or in the designated area of the landfill contamination, would be $2,284. <br />Loss of revenue to the County would be 417,922, based on this years mill <br />rate. <br />Fraser offered the following motion based on review of the Assessor's <br />recommendation and her impression of how the Assessor arrived at the <br />proposed percentage from resident comments at the Board of Review: <br />M/S/ Praser/Mazzara to approve the following percentage decreases in market <br />value for the homes listed by the Assessor: 10%, as proposed by the Assessor <br />reduce 50% proposed reduction to 4094 and 30% proposed reduction to 15%. <br />Discussion: <br />--Fraser — value reduction is appropriate, but feels assessor's figures may <br />be -too high for homes where no contamination or traces have been identified. <br />No basis for determining percentage — assessor puebed residents to come up <br />with a percentage decrease — many did not seem to have a figure in mind. <br />--Dunn — would favor supporting the Assessor's figures with a yearly evaluation <br />established and the understanding this situation will not be forever. <br />Sympathetic with the residents and the psyeological- devaluation that has <br />also been created. <br />--Eder — reviewed information on well replacement compiled by the Administrator. <br />Easier to relate to a solutuion to a problem that has a specific amount <br />rather than :lust attaching an arbitrary figure. Suggested Calculating 86600/ <br />$7000, the well replacement figure, as the percentage decrease in place of <br />the 30%. <br />--Morgan — residents have lost market value of their homes based on something <br />they had no control over. Presently, cannot imagine any market for these <br />homes even at 50% decrease. Supports the Assessor's figures, with the <br />hope that this is resolved by the next assessment ,year. <br />--Mazzara — obvious there is some devaluation — agree with the 50°/o — 30% may <br />be high, but not out of. proportion. Believe the Assessor's figures are <br />fair. Would not create a great tax loss to the City this year. <br />--Eder — would rather go with a fixed dollar amount rather than a percentage. <br />--Fraser — withdrew motion to permit introduction of an alternate proposal. <br />Mazzara approved. <br />—Mrs. Towns — noted that although Weldon Richert had a new well drilled he <br />is unable to use it until the test results on that well are back. To <br />date, these are not in. She also noted that although it is understood <br />that residents who have been notified their well are contaminated are <br />receiving bottled water from the County, this is not a fact. She.asked <br />that both these facts be taken into consideration by the Council. <br />
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