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SPEDIAL JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 11 1983 —2- <br />1. BOARD OP REVIEW"CONTINUED: <br />M/S/ Dunn/Morgan to accept and approve the market value percentage decreases <br />as outlined by the County Assessor, per his list, with the stipulation that <br />all the residences included on this list shall be reviewed and valued each <br />year until the problem is solved. Carried. 5-0. <br />--Dunn — Although $2,284 appears to be a small loss, over a, period of time <br />it can become substantial. Qestioned possible reimbursement from <br />Ramsey/Washington Counties, since they are the responsible parties. <br />Believes City has some leverage because of the proposed landfill siting <br />and Waste/Enerey Plant proposed :for the City. <br />2. LICENSE: <br />3.2 License for 3M Party <br />Green Acres <br />June 17, 1983 — 50 people <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan to approve a 3.2 license .for Green Acres for 3M pasty on <br />Carried �-0. June 17, 1983 <br />3. INTEREST RATE POR SEALCOArT BONDS: <br />M/S/P Eder/Dunn to establish a 9% interest rate for assessments on the 1983-84 <br />Sealcoat Project bonds. Carried 5-0. <br />Mayor Eder adjourned the Council meeting at 7:35 p.m. <br />