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SPECIAL JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MLETINT' JUNE 114, 1983 -3-. <br />MUSA LINE; <br />Prince confirmed that both bodies agreed that the MUSA line should be moved <br />/ to the east boundary of the Section 32-33 planning area. There were no <br />l additional comments. She also informed the Council of her desire to delete <br />the planned Industrial, areas along Highway 5 and included such use in Section 32. <br />She does not think these are good Industrial areas. <br />--5`raser - can see no justification to change the planned Industrial area around the <br />Animal Inn. <br />-.-Mazzara - appears to be a reasonable area for Industrial because of the location. <br />--Morgan - does not see Industrial as the only use just because the land is <br />between a railroad track and highway. <br />Prince summarized, the action to be taken; <br />The Commission will proceed with a public hearing on the 1 1/2 acre lot areas <br />planned post 1990; and also hold a hearing on moving the MUSA line to the east <br />planning boundary of Sections 32 & 33. The Planner will be requested to <br />respond to the I-911.. situation and provide a list of Mixed Urban Uses for that <br />area and potential businoss/commercial uses for the old village. <br />The Joint Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. <br />