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SPECIAL JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING MEETING, JUNE 1.4, 1983 —2— <br />PLANNING COMMISSION — COMP PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS- <br />I-94 RECO'MMENDATIONS — Continued <br />—01aser. — supports idea of getting away from the commercial. 11strip" concept; but, <br />not sure this can be successfully enforced. <br />--Eder — thinks the I-94 area should go slowly until the MUSA line .is extended. <br />Recommended less commercial/industrial uses and more high density living area such as apartments. <br />--Prince — feels it would be better to do some up —front planning rather that <br />continue with the wait and see what is proposed policy. Many uses that are not <br />desirable still may qualify for an area. <br />--Eder — suggested showing no commercial strip — ,just show commercial areas around <br />the two intersections — 19 and, 13. Access to land is what opens it up. Prefer <br />to see mixed uses — this would deter just a commercial strip. <br />—01aser — going to have to keep an open mind on how this area, will develop — <br />property owners are going to have many ideas on planned use. <br />Present plan calls for highway Business. <br />--Lyall — questioned if the City has the right to change the planned use <br />contrary to what the property owner wants. <br />--Eder — this will have to bd considered after the public hearing. <br />--Whittaker — without sewer commercial areas tend to be alot of pole barns. <br />--Eder — should proposed race track go into Woodbury, this may dictate what happens <br />in Lake Elmo, <br />--Prince — options include: leaving area as planned; change plan to just provide <br />commercial zoning around the inters6otions of 1.3 and 19 this would not ,affect <br />established business; or change the plan to provide for mixed Urban Uses. <br />--Morgan — Believes MUSA line is a good determining factor on the size of the <br />commercial area — thinks area should be reduced, Need to have more control and. <br />say over the business that come into Lake Elmo — want businesses that are good <br />and desirable for the City, Need better definitions for zoning uses. Section 32 <br />is the logical commercial area; but it is expensive, therefore, developers go to <br />the non—sewered less expensive areas, in the middle of a cornfield. Not a shortage <br />of land for commercial development in Lake Elmo, <br />The group briefly discussed desired uses for the City. <br />--Mazzara — suggested the Council and Commission members write down what they consider <br />to be good, desirable, feasible and realistic uses. <br />--Gifford — would like to hear what the property owners, business people and developers <br />forsee as reasonable and desirable uses. <br />--Dunn — feel the City should do nothing, at this time, should wait and see if a <br />horse track does come to this area and all see what the impact of the Regional Park. <br />--Prince — -this might prove a dangerous approach. <br />--Morgan — need to do whatever it takes to get more control. <br />--Whittaker — should be specific in planning what will happen in Sec. 32. <br />--Graves — suggested developing the proposed recommendation with specific development <br />around the intersections and a clearly defined Fixed Use Area with the stipulation <br />that development cannot take place for these specific uses until sewer is available. <br />The Commission requested that the Planner develop a list of mixed uses. <br />--Michels — sees this as creating a problem — since the plan cannot go beyond 1990 <br />how can a sewered area be planned for. now. <br />---Whittaker — explained the reasons why the Camp Plan amendments have to be <br />completed by September. This primarly applies to the R-1 areas. The I-94 <br />question can be resolved later, <br />