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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />JULY 5, 1983 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the City Hall. <br />Councillors Present: Dunn, Fraser, Mazzara, and Morgan. <br />1. AGENDA - M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to adopt the agenda as amended as follows: <br />14.G. Liquor License Fee - Jaycees Huff n' Puff Days. <br />H. Code Books <br />I. School District meeting. <br />2. MINUTES - [1] M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to approve the 6/14/83 Joint Council/ <br />Planning Commission minutes as written. (Carried 5-0) [2] M/S/P Morgan/ <br />Mazaara to approve the 6/21/83 City Council minutes with a few minor changes. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />3. CLAIMS - Claim No. 83883 amount was added ($197.90) to total $22,956.23. <br />Claim Nos. 83863 thru 83905 were approved. Morgan wondered if $2,000 annual <br />dues to League of Minnesota Cities was worth the price. Whittaker said it was <br />source of model ordinance and lobbying efforts. Fraser agreed since cities <br />couldn't lobby independently and achieve similar impact w/such cost effectiveness. <br />4. LICENSES - M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to approve 3.2 beer license for golf <br />tournament and fund raiser for St. Paul Company's Girls Softball Team to be held <br />7/23/83 at Cimarron Golf Course 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (100-150 people). (5-0) <br />Fraser questioned appropriate liability insurance; Whittaker said Cimarron had <br />3.2 beer license. Eder suggested Whittaker clarify this with St. Paul Company. <br />5. PUBLIC INQUIRES - None. <br />6. PUBLIC HEARING, FRIEDRICH HEIGHTS - (REF: Bohrer letter dated 6/24/83 to <br />Mr. Whittaker re "Jamaca Court Improvements, Lake Elmo, Minnesota, commission <br />No. 7113-83). Bohrer reviewed the proposal considered in Jan/Feb 1983 and said <br />that same improvements are being considered. Cost has increased due to smaller <br />project ($1,324 in lieu of $1,106 per lot). <br />i Carol Kuettner - When this is done, will we be sure the water no longer stands <br />on curb? (Bohrer - crown will be created on road.) <br />• Ron Dornfeld - What is sub -base? (Bohrer - not too good, 2" gravel over top <br />soil, maintenance has tried to dig out areas and putting in more gravel. By <br />replacing completely with blacktop, will get away from contraction/expansion.) <br />9 Carol Baglio - What would life expectancy be before conditions repeated <br />itself? (Bohrer - hard to answer; we don't know accurately what's under <br />blacktop, should be a good 10 years before any more corrective work is done. <br />City has adopted 6-year sealcoating program which would be 6 years from now.) <br />o Ron Dornfeld - project would be amortized over how long a period? (Eder - <br />this is something we have to arrive at, assessment procedure still has not been <br />proposed.) (Whittaker. - latest interest rate was 9% for bonds, could be <br />assessed for 5-10 years, probably 5 years. There'll. be assessment hearing if <br />this is approved where your ideas and opinions will be heard.) <br />9 Bohrer - Bartell's lots are included as one lot because of equal benefit, also <br />66' lot is treated as one lot. <br />0 Morgan - What is total length of project? (Bohrer - 1,100 feet.) <br />• Judy Bartell - We only use Jamaca Avenue but never side road so can't see <br />being assessed for it. <br />* Morgan - How many lots are represented by petition? (Whittaker - 7 families or <br />48% of frontage on streets.) <br />