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07-05-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-05-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MEETING-7/5/83 <br />Page 2 <br />• Fraser - I believe it's needed and people seem in favor of blacktopping; one <br />problem is with assessments. <br />♦ Eder - Unless street is improved, it would be left out of sealcoating program. <br />Keep in mind costs are only estimates. <br />o Mazzara - I'm in favor of it since I've been on streets and can see problems. <br />• Bohrer - This proposal is considered the least cost alternative. Standard <br />approach would be to test soil, replace with sandy soil, gravel base and <br />pavement. <br />♦ Dunn - Originally people were opposed but apparently have reconsidered so I <br />have no oposition. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara to adopt Resolution 83-46: <br />A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE FINAL PLANS AND <br />SPECIFICIATIONS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO JAMACA COURT NORTH <br />-(Carried 4 ayes; Morgan abstain) <br />• Morgan - Couldn't vote approval because of small turnout of previous <br />opposers. (Mr. Kuettner mentioned that some property is rented, vacant, etc.) <br />7. HEARING,.HOREISH VARIANCE & SHORELAND PERMIT - Bohrer explained to those <br />present to discuss (a)hUartiig iq-iophoreland variance for Lots 2, 3 and 4 for <br />lots under 1.5 acres and (b) Mr. Horeish Shoreland Permit including the <br />variance for a lot under 1.5 acres. Plat was approved prior to Shoreland <br />Ordinance adoption in 1980. DNR commitment is forthcoming. <br />• Fraser - What other properties could expect this same type of treatment? <br />(Bohrer - there are some undeveloped lots but haven't made a thorough search.) <br />• Eder mentioned the many exceptions made in DeMontreville Highlands. <br />♦ Bohrer - the few that would come up would be best done this way. If variances <br />not involved, permit or proposal still comes before the Council. <br />p Mazzara - would like to see how many more lots are involved. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to (a) approve a blanRL-t variance for Lots 2, 3 and 4 <br />for lots under 1.5 acres and (2) a Shoreland permit for Lot 2 to include <br />variance. (5 ayes) <br />8. JANE ROAD NORTH IMPROVEMENTS, COST STUDY - Whittaker had one other response <br />from David Krause opposing project. Responses received were 5 opposed, 1 for <br />the project, and 1 phone call in opposition. <br />• Jim Weyer - opposed to both options: 32' wide road wouldn't look right and <br />additional water runoff isn't needed in Lake Jane area; the 22' wide road is <br />without drainage and we've already had soil erosion on our particular property. <br />We're also opposed to making this a through street. We prefer to leave Jane <br />Road the way it is. <br />• Bohrer - 32' road was proposed to collect water at low end and put drainage <br />into Springborn. 22' wide road would not control drainage. Absolute minimum <br />would be 22' otherwise traffic could not pass. <br />• Morgan - cost? (Bohrer - 32' street $4,300/1ot; 22' road $1,800/lot. These <br />are larger lots so cost is more than for Jamaca Court improvements.) <br />• Fraser - so it appears a petition is not forthcoming? (Whittaker- correct.) <br />♦ Jim Weyer - in past, it was assumed this would be a paved "driveway" and not a <br />city wide street and without the potential of being made into a through street. <br />(Eder - intention of first proposal was using 66' wide street and that's why lot <br />is 66' wide.) <br />
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