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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MEETING - 7/5/83 Page 3 <br />•bill Brass -at meeting 2 months ago, big concern was to have plowing done for <br />emergency vehicles all the way to cul-de-sac - 10 homeowners on road and only 2 <br />plowed it. (Bohrer - if either proposal were accepted, City would maintain. If <br />22' road accepted, there would be some erosion and I don't think City would be <br />responsible for that.) <br />* Jim Weyer - pavement instead of gravel would create substantially more runoff. <br />(Bohrer - gravel you have is so firmly packed and grade so steep, difference <br />would be minimal.) <br />o Jim Holmberg - I have water problem now and I understand this will be <br />contained as part of project. It takes half my lot right now. (Bohrer - if it <br />exceeds drainage easement, water would be collected and put in holding pond. <br />22' road would have crown in middle so runoff would be on both north and south <br />sides.) <br />o Majority of those present contended that City maintained road up until about 7 <br />years ago and one wondered if it would be possible for City to do this again <br />without improvement. (Eder - When Krause developed land in 1963-64, standards <br />were nonexistent, he didn't want to put in street, and buyers wanted private <br />road; it was deeded to the City but not accepted because of cost of maintenance. <br />There are many examples of roads maintained by private citizens --such as Jane <br />Road until improvements made. Have no knowledge City ever maintained it.) <br />o Eder - City can't act unless there's a petition. <br />9. NEUDAHL PLAT - (REF: Letter from Dennis F. Peck of J.P. Homes Inc. to <br />Laurence Whittaker dated 6/30/83.) Mr. Peck reiterated statements and concerns <br />in the referenced letter. Essentially, they want (a) to request City to <br />t possibly install Jane Road Circle North, or take a part of roadway, as part of <br />this project since it would benefit City and allow the Neudahl's an easier way <br />to develop their property, knowing that there would be assessments to <br />benefiting lots, security pledges, etc.; and (b) to propose development in <br />phases (phase I would be the platted Lot 1, Block 1, and phase II would be the <br />improvement of lots abutting Jane Road Circle North and 2 lots east of Lot 1, <br />Block 1); under phase II, Jane Road Circle North would constitute a 1000-foot <br />long cul-de-sac requiring a variance from the 800-foot maximum allowed. He also <br />explained a more modest plan if above is not viable. There's also possibility <br />of extending Jerome Avenue. Problems that have to be dealt with are existing <br />topography, drainage problems, flooding of Lake Jane this spring. How much do <br />we have to address now? Would like to defer until one or two lots are platted. <br />o Eder - would be significant departure for City to finance projects and this <br />has not been done in the past. We need direction from engineering and planner. <br />o Fraser - would not want to foster change in present policy. <br />o Dunn - am against public financing of such private development projects. <br />o Bohrer - preliminary plan has shown there is sufficient area for ponding even <br />though not developed yet (such as streets are conveyance for runoff, etc.). <br />Often one lot is approved with understanding that drainage program is put in <br />when remaining lots are development but it's judgment call. <br />e Folz - Jerome Avenue was planned as through street; if street were extended, <br />storm sewer catch basin would be planned. Policy has been that developer does <br />drainage and streets;/are done by person who requests or needs them. <br />y Bohrer - drainage and ponding can be constructed in phases but needs long- <br />range plan. <br />10. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS <br />A. Klawitter Rezoning - Don Wolf, representing the Klawitter's, discussed <br />rezoning the Klawitter property (48 acres on SW corner of Keats and Highway 36) <br />