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07-05-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-05-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MEETING - 7/5/83 <br />Page 5 <br />C. Packard Park (Peltier's one -lot subdivision on Legion Avenue) - <br />Whittaker stated if all conditions meet the Council's approval, development <br />agreement will be drawn up and signed before final plat; park donation is <br />$175.00. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to adopt Resolution 83-48: <br />TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT FOR PACKARD PARK CONTINGENT UPON CONDITIONS <br />FOR PAYMENT OF PARK DONATION, MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR LEGIONAve, and <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, ALONG WITH VARIANCES FOR PONDING AND UNIMPROVED <br />PUBLIC STREET. (Carried 5-0) <br />D. Comp Plan Hearing, to be held August 8 at 7:45 p.m. Consensus of <br />Councillors was that this item would be covered briefly in Newsletter and that <br />special notices would be sent to those concerned. <br />9:15 to 9:30 p.m. - BREAK <br />11. ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Hubenett Shoreland Permit - Bohrer presented "Topography Survey and <br />Grading Plan" showing area to be filled (as staked out by DNR) on the Hubenett <br />property across Lake Olson and which is being flooded. Would require 158 yards <br />of fill to bring to 931:932 elevations and to make his land useful in back. No <br />variance is required; Valley Branch Watershed has approved permit because amount <br />is below that allotted for shoreline. We would recommend that drainfield be <br />marked so heavy equipment doesn't run over it. Presently, drainage runs across <br />south driveway and by filling, some water may stand on edge of driveway so <br />culvert may be needed. Hubenett should assume responsibility for drainfield and <br />culvert. <br />♦ Hubenett mentioned that there has been no problem with drainfield put in 1970. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to grant Hubenett Shoreland Permit according to Survey and <br />Grading Plan. (Carried 5-0) <br />B. LAWCON, Cost for Preparing Cost Estimate - Bohrer listed improvement's <br />for Pebble Park as delineated by Park Commission and engineering cost would be <br />$600.00 to estimate improvements requiring some field work but no surveying. <br />♦ Whittaker - money could come from General Park budget. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan to approve the $600.00 engineering cost as presented by Mr. <br />Bohrer to estimate LAWCON cost estimate. (Carried 5-0) <br />C. Cimarron Shoreland Permit, Seepage Pond - Tom Noyes, engineer, <br />illustrated the proposal to construct two rapid infiltration basins into which <br />water from Lake Rose and/or water from existing Waste Water Treatment Plant <br />effluent seepage ponds may be pumped if existing dikes are threatened by high <br />water. This proposal would generate 400 gallons a minute to equal 1.76 acre- <br />feet a day to compare with present 7 gallons a minute. PCA has given a <br />consensus of yes that soils will hold water; Mr. Taylor will be talking to <br />Valley Branch and DNR regarding approvals. <br />♦ Bohrer - project is in response to Council's desire to have Cimarron solve <br />problem. We believe that this proposal should be reviewed by the PCA, DNR and <br />Valley Branch Watershed as to operating plans to see under which conditions this <br />project would be instituted and receive a copy of plans and specs recognizing <br />safety and other public features. <br />
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