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07-05-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-05-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MEETING - 7/5/83 Page 6 <br />o Morgan - think this is a wonderful initiative taken on by Cimarron and a <br />chance to gain valuable information for future like situations. <br />! Eder - Mr. Taylor and staff are to be commended for job they've done. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to grant the Cimarron Shoreland Permit for seepage pond <br />contingent upon Larry Bohrer's recommendations. (Carried 5-0) <br />D. Tablyn Park Improvements <br />1. Road Access - Service road needed to maintain park is proposed to <br />be located south of large drainage ditch next to spillway; curb will not have to <br />be removed. City crews plan to do majority of work but it will require small <br />equipment rental and 10 tons of limerock and perhaps posts and chain will be <br />required. We've estimated $565 for the remainder of cost for the service road. <br />2. Black Dirt - 7' x 130' area needs top soil to get some grass <br />growing in that area. Would best be handled by contractor. Our estimate for <br />115 cu. yd. of 4" of topsoil to include leveling, hauling in dirt, seeding, <br />mulching and fertilizing is $1,050. <br />3. Fence Pond - A fence has been suggested around the drainage pond <br />which has about 1 foot of standing water and there might be hazard. The <br />suggested woven wire can be climbed and chain -link fencing would cost about <br />$1,550. We could be making it more of an attractive nuisance by fencing. In <br />fact, 80% of water mishaps occur in fenced facilities. Also, fencing makes it <br />more difficult to maintain. <br />t o Whittaker - attorney thinks fence would not change liability. <br />a Mazzara - seems like a lot of money for a pond. <br />o Morgan - not enough water to worry about --frozen 9 months of the year. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to approve funds for Tablyn Park road access and black <br />dirt but to deny fencing of pond. (Carried 5-0) <br />12. OLD BUSINESS <br />A. County Road 19 (I-94 to loth Street) <br />1. Plan Parkway - Dorothy Lyons was present to express her dissatis- <br />faction with plans for the park along County Road 19 leading to RegionalPark <br />since it would be an overflow area for drinking, etc. when Regional Park closed <br />at night and increase hazards of pine trees catching fire; create additional <br />taxpayers' expense regarding extra policing and maintenance and the 10-12 car <br />parking lot proposed; and there could be possible pollution of lake. Seems to <br />be more of a public nuisance to that whole area; I think we should go back to <br />existing line and it's too elaborate as entrance to Regional Park. (Eder - we <br />were trying to change it from two-lane divided highway into something more <br />scenic.) <br />• Fraser - points regarding the park area are well taken --such as park nuisance and <br />add extra expense. I like green area in road median strip. <br />o Folz - would be good idea to have Park Committee look at it to see if they <br />want that type of park. Also, if there is bike trail it should be fenced to <br />protect adjacent commercial property. <br />e Morgan suggested getting Park Committee's recommendation, but Whittaker said <br />they wouldn't be meeting until August and Council's reaction is needed in July. <br />I think if we told them we don't want it, they wouldn't have a problem taking it <br />out of plan. <br />a Eder - points to be suggested are (a) fence west side of bike trail, (b) <br />eliminate parking lot, and (c) cut down on amount of right-of-way. <br />
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