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09-13-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-13-83 CCM
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LAEE.ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />SEPTEMBER 13, 1983 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7;10 p.m. in the City Hall. <br />COUNCILLORS PRESENT; Dunn, Fraser and Mazzara <br />City Administrator Pat Klaers,.consultant Whittaker, and Marilyn <br />Banister were also present. <br />1. Agenda - M/S/P Fraser�Dunn to approve the Agenda as;written. <br />2.. JANE ROAD FEASIBILITY STUDY - M/S Dunn/Eder to adopt Resolution <br />83-60 ordering a Feasibility study for the improvements to Jane <br />Road North, west of Jamaca Ave., as petitioned by the adjacent <br />property owners; and to order a public hearing on the Feasibility <br />of the Project October 4, 19:83, at 7:15 p.m. <br />° Dunn said all of the people in the area want the street to be <br />improved this way; so, the City should at least determine the feasi- <br />bility of making these improvements. <br />° Fraser cannot support the motion because it does not make sense <br />to spend money on something completely undesireable. Residents often <br />object to a project''s cost but approve of the project once it is <br />complete. <br />° Dunn said it is a dead-end street, the people are willing to live <br />with this level of improvement, and if it proves to be a poor invest- <br />ment, the people will have to pay to correct it; so he supports the <br />petition. Jane Road, which this will meet with, is only 22 feet <br />wide; so this won't be an abrupt change in the road. <br />° Fraser reiterated her opposition to spending more City money on <br />a study for a substandard and unsafe street. <br />Eder asked Whittaker if the residents had agreed to pay for the <br />original cost estimate for improvements. Whittaker said he would <br />check. <br />'Dunn - while we don't want people designing the street, we should <br />have engineer review the feasibiliyt of improving the city street <br />as the residents have requested to see if it is feasible. <br />° Mazzara - Will the Engineer just design a street to meet the pe- <br />tition or will he evaluate it a report back. Whittaker said he will <br />evaluate it and report back. <br />Vote: 3-1 (Fraser opposed). <br />3. 1984 PAY PLAN - the Council agreed to defer this item until <br />late in the meeting so that they might discuss the Maintenance <br />Department CIP with the Foreman, who was present. <br />4. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP). - Whittaker and Dave Wisdorf <br />summarized the comments made in the Sept. 1 Memo on the proposed <br />revisions to the Maintenance Dept. CIP. <br />*Dunn asked for an economic study to justify the purchase of a large <br />front-end loader. <br />'Eder asked if this would eliminate the need for the present back -hoe <br />loader. Wisdorf said it would not. Back -hoe is needed for water <br />main breaks and connections, ditch cleaning and snow removal in some <br />areas of the City. He said the grader would probably be the least <br />useful of the 3 pieces as the miles of gravel road diminish. <br />
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