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09-13-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-13-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MINUTES 9/13/83 <br />page 3 <br />°Fraser - We should look at this in the future. Any sexual di.scri- <br />mina`ti-n should be addressed and job content for all employees addressed. <br />MIST Fraser/Mazzara tp the pay ranges and 19,84 wage. rates for the <br />first five pos:iti'gns= in the pay plan, <br />°Dunn - I still have some reservations=about those wages.. Think the <br />raises. should be limited to 4a.. <br />°Whittaker explained' that 4%. only accounted for inflation in 1983. <br />Employees were promised step increases along with cost -of -living <br />adjustments. Employees were often hired at,3.ow wages with the as- <br />surance. that they would progress. through .the Pay Plan over four years. <br />City saved money ini'ti.'ally and rewardq performance and competence <br />later. <br />'Eder - w'th.declining inflation and more employees nearing the top <br />of the pay range, raises will level out soon.. <br />°Mazzara, - while he, agrees the City must keep and reward competent <br />people, tiie. Council also has to be accountable to the public. He <br />wants to be fair; and has no problem with the proposed wages for the <br />first five poalti=ons. <br />°Fraser - Fiscal responsibility comes from two directions, Hare to <br />be careful and prudent with tax money.,,. be caref__1 how we spend it. <br />Also have to let the public know they have to expect to pay for what <br />they get. As long &a she ha3 lived in the City, the public has had <br />a bargain for their money. If we pay- too little for equipment or <br />staff, we are. apt to spend a lot more ;replacing it or attracting new <br />people. <br />°Whittaker - public should understand that Lake Elmo does not now <br />and will not in 1984 pay any employee more than the going rate for <br />any employee. Our public works people are either at or below union <br />scale. Our secretarial people are also in line. Our Building in- <br />spector and Foreman are being paid less than either of their predeces- <br />sors would be today. These employees also collect very little over- <br />time, which is not the case in all other cities. He thinks the City <br />has been.very thrifty and responsible. <br />Vote: 3-1 (:Dunn voting no as raises will exceed 4% ceiling.) <br />° explained the policies behind the pay plan steps at the <br />request of the Mayor. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara to accept the recommendation of the Personnel <br />Committee with respect•to the City Administratots position. $28,600 <br />will be used for budget purposes. The actual salary as of Jan. 1, 1984, <br />will be determined after Mr. Klaers completes the probationary period. <br />*Whittaker explained his Sept. 9 MEIClO on the revised pay ranges for <br />the Code Enforcement Officer (Building Inspector) and Maintenance <br />Foreman. <br />'Eder - favor some increase for Building Inspector._and Foreman.!Offered <br />the following motion for discussion, Felt suggested raises were a little <br />too high. <br />M/S Eder/'Fraser to establish a range of $21,500 to $25,500, with a <br />mid -point of $24,000 for the Code Enforcement Officer; and a range <br />of $22,000 to $26,000, with a mid -point of $24,500 for the Foreman; <br />with 1984 salaries of $24,000 and $24,500 respectively. <br />
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