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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MINUTESF 9:/13/83 Page 4 <br />( MISI Dunn�Fraser to amend the motion to take each position separately, <br />taking the Code Enforcement Officer first. Carried 3-1 with Eder <br />voting against the motion, <br />'Dunn - believes we ought to split the difference between the request <br />for $25,000 and the present salary of $21,5,00 for the Code Enforcement <br />Officer. <br />Mazzara/Fraser - would like to stay with the origindl^amount, <br />Vote, 3-1 (Dunn voting No), for the Code Enforcement Officer Pay <br />range and 1984 salary, in the Mayor's motion, Carried. <br />Vote: 3-1 (Dunn voting No} for the Maintenance Foreman Pay range <br />and 1984 salary, in the Mayor's motion. Carried. <br />5. 1984 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Whittaker reviewed the Preliminary <br />Budget and his comments page by page with the Council. <br />°Eder - let's consider purchasing phones in 1984. <br />'Dunn - are we spending a lot of our rescue dollars on service to <br />non-residents. If so, can we charge for the service. Whittaker will <br />check into this. <br />Eder - can we reduce the amount budgeted for Watershed expenses. <br />Whittaker said we couldy but that we collect all of this from the <br />Watershed. Council agreed to reduce this expenditure to $1,000 <br />and include that figure plus 15% in the revenue. <br />°Eder - should we reduce clean-up days budget as we have..not used it. <br />'Whittaker - two clean-up days were budgeted. Perhaps, we could reduce <br />it a little, $1,000. <br />°Dunn - does not favor buying voting machines. Would like to cut <br />election expenses. <br />'Whittaker - the machines will pay for themselves in two elections <br />and res.ihlt in less election expense thereafter. <br />'Eder - change Accounting on page 5 to AUDIT. <br />'Whittaker reiterated his concerns and comments about Fire Department <br />compensation and the City contribution to the General Fund (bonus) <br />of the Fire Department Relief Association"s Pension Fund. The Council <br />took this under advisement. <br />The Council agreed that the amounts dictated by the CIPs for the Fire <br />Department and Maintenance Department should be put into the respective <br />reserves and not combined into the Maintenance Equipment Reserve. If <br />the Council agrees to purchase the Loader after Committee meetings, <br />the Fire reserve could be transferred into the Maintenance reserve at <br />that time. <br />'Eder - we need to generate more revenue for animal control. It should <br />help pay more of the cost. <br />'Whittaker explained that the Park Reserve might have to be limited <br />to the 1983 amount in 19.84 as projected revenues, without the LAWCON <br />grant, will not support the CIP proposed when the LAWCON application <br />was. made. <br />'Banister explained the final pages of the budget document, which <br />support the budget presentation. The staff invited Council questions <br />and comments for the Sept. 20 meeting. Final budget consideration <br />will b.e on October 4. <br />M/S/'P Dunn, Fraser to adjourn at 9:38 p.m. <br />Resolutions 83-60 - Call of Public Hearing & Ordering Feasibility Study <br />for Proposed Improvements to Sane Road N. <br />