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09-20-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-20-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MINUTES - 9/20/83 Page 3 <br />• Ken Sovereign, Olson Lake Trail North - Oppose proposal only <br />because it's short-term solution and concur with West Lakeland <br />that there's no use in changing water levels on any lakes until <br />the problem is solved. We're being assessed for diesel pump <br />which will probably run all next year and putting money down the <br />drain. People on Olson Lake would be happy to get water out of <br />Lakeland and Lake Jane, but shouldn't be inconvenienced further <br />with short-term solution. Further, it can't be administered. <br />Now we're going to move water levels up and down at discretion of <br />VBWD which has been irresponsible for. 15 years to solve problem. <br />Pumping has not worked out, now there's more experimentation at <br />our expense. Why not lower the culvert in Long Lake, lower the <br />drain in North St. Paul; the Watershed District has the .legal <br />authority to do this. <br />♦ Allen Dornfeld - 800 acre-feet of water has been pumped this <br />year with 2 pumps; we're not pumping additional water but pumping <br />water which comes over weir. Regarding cost of outlet, we <br />estimate it to be $2,000 to be financed by administrative fund <br />and not by any assessments, etc. Also, we have no authority to <br />rule over large projects unless it's funded 50% by grants or <br />state/federal aid. <br />o Eder - was it attempted at one time to do this by siphoning? <br />(Dornfeld - tried, but didn't work.) <br />• Morgan - What are present levels of lakes? (Dornfeld - 9/l/83 <br />report shows Lake Olson 929.48, Lake Jane 922.48, City Park Pond <br />905.6.) (Resident - Park pond is now 904.0 and Jane is 922.2.) <br />s Dornfeld - hole in weir is 2' below elevation; 929.5 is <br />approximate elevation of overflow. <br />Council comments: <br />® Eder - if we do give permission, a time limit should be put on <br />project thru 1984 so it'll be evaluated to make sure something is <br />happening on long-term solution. <br />r Morgan - when was pump turned off and what was Park pond <br />elevation? (Dornfeld - 8/18; Park Pond was at elevation 910.2) <br />e Eder - only about half of storage will come out and some will <br />be gained in spring; may not fluctuate, especially with time <br />limit, to degree people on Olsen and DeMontreville are concerned <br />with. <br />• Resident - key factor in making this work is permit from DNR to <br />pump before the weir overflows; how's that progressing? <br />(Dornfeld - they have not issued one yet and have asked for <br />information; should be forthcoming soon.) <br />♦ Ken Sovereign - fluctuation is a tremendous inconvenience and <br />we're going to oppose it at DNR level, too. There's no reason <br />why accepted level should be changed until there's a long-term <br />program. VBWD has authority to pump Lake Jane to 921 and why <br />don't they do that, leave it there until it comes up again to <br />where they can pump. There's no reason why people on Lake Olson <br />should take that kind of fluctuation when they've already taken <br />3' from original culvert level. People downstream are going to <br />get water someday anyway, so let's get with doing something <br />permanently. <br />
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