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09-20-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-20-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MINUTES - 9/20/83 Page 2 <br />B. VBWD Request, Olson Lake Outlet - Pursuant to published <br />notice in the City and Tri-Lakes newsletters, an informational <br />hearing was opened at 7:30 p.m. to discuss VBWD's request to put <br />hole in weir which, by means of a valve, would enable Lakes Olson <br />and DeMontreville to be lowered to elevation 928.0. Allen <br />Dornfeld of VBWD was present to answer any questions. <br />(REF: Petition from Deer Pond Residents dated 6/27/79, a. <br />certified letter from Jim Weyer, President, Lake Jane Association <br />dated 9/ 19/83,and letter dated 9/15/83 from Viola and Harvey Brown. <br />• Fraser - Regarding Deer Pond residents' letter, is information <br />accurately conveyed? (Eder - water runs out of weir to Deer Pond <br />and then from a pipe to subsequent little ponding areas. I find <br />it hard to understand the damage they're referring to, because if <br />water comes in it has to go out at about the same rate; and with <br />this proposal the capability is there to go out at a steadier <br />rate.) <br />e Morgan - that could be easily handled, if permitted, by stating <br />that the water going into Deer Pond would have to be equal to the <br />water flowing out and VBWD would have to agree to that. <br />® Allen Dornfeld - should be less of a problem because flow will <br />be controlled. <br />® Eder - some people are concerned with pursuit of a temporary <br />solution and not pushing forward to a more permanent solution. <br />® Jim Weyer, 8991 Jane Road No. - Regarding 9/19/83 letter, want <br />to stress the importance of not taking any additional water from <br />{ Tri-Lakes but proposal would allow removal at a much slower rate <br />and minimize need for large diesel pump in spring. Deer Pond <br />letter surprised me since it doesn't fully realize what proposal <br />is. Also want to stress we've been working closely with Oakdale <br />and North St. Paul agencies and this is short-term measure to <br />prevent disaster in spring. We strongly urge the City Council <br />approve this proposal so that work can be completed this fall. <br />® Allen Dornfeld - explained proposal and process on chalkboard. <br />Stated that not more water would be moved but would be moved over <br />longer period of time and at less cost since electric pump can be <br />operated at $600/month whereas diesel pump cost about $91000/mo. <br />• William Stevenson, 8895 Jane Road North - I've studied VBWD's <br />recommendations and attended many meetings and think this is a <br />reasonable solution and a step forward; would back it up 100%. <br />0 Charles Taylor, 4677 Birchbark - would like to reinforce the <br />necessity of avoiding diesel pump since water levels, when the <br />electric pump is running, on City Park pond never get to 900.0. <br />With added diesel, we saw City pond go to 910.0. Feel it's <br />necessary to minimize damage on City Park pond, minimize the <br />potential danger on Sunfish, and avoid the added cost. Also, it <br />appears that the thrust for this program is not to control the <br />water levels on Olson and DeMontreville during the summer months <br />but only during October, November, March and April. <br />• Don Marty, representing Town of West Lakeland - Read letter <br />from West Lakeland TWP, John McPherson, Chairman of Town Board <br />dated 9/20/83 to VBWD stating that they "would like to go on <br />record that no additional water be allowed downstream into our <br />township until something is done to help solve our problem <br />first." <br />
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