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1. <br />LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MINUTES - 9/6/83 <br />9:20 - 9:30 BREAK <br />8. ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />Page 5 <br />A. Jane Road North Street Improvement Project (Continued <br />From 8 16 83 Meeting- <br />s Bohrer - As stated at the 8/16 meeting, proposal is to construct <br />a 32' wide road in accordance with City standards. A petition was <br />received 9/l/83 from Residents of Jane Road North with 100% of <br />residents on Lake Jane Road (excepting Mr. Holmberg who favored <br />petition but was away when signed) endorsing that the road be a 22' <br />paved continuation of Jane Road, parking be banned on the road, and <br />the road be slanted in one direction so a single curb or gutter <br />could be used to cut costs. I would consider the slanted road a <br />hazard in spring when runoff would occur across the road and favor <br />the crown in road for runoff and favor the 32' paved road since it <br />complies with City standards. Also, it would apply as continuation <br />of Lake Jane Road only if it remains a deadend road. Concept plan <br />for land development to north would probably require that Isle <br />Avenue be a 32' paved road to meet City standards. Traffic coming <br />from 32' Isle Avenue onto 22' Lake Jane Road would not be good <br />because of crest in road. No special circumstances exist for a 22' <br />road and 22' road will deteriorate with more use. Lake Jane Road is <br />also curvy and 32' would be safer. <br />• Morgan - I am in favor of petition because people have requested <br />it; 20th Street is 22' with no more traffic than Lake Jane has. <br />q Eder - I think we want to work out some kind of compromise, e.g., <br />crown in road, etc. <br />• Morgan - Here we have a chance to satisfy citizens and compromise. <br />M/S Fraser/Mazzara that Lake Jane Road be improved to 32' in <br />accordance with City standards. <br />M/S Eder/Morgan that motion be amended to accept conditions as <br />spelled out by property owners for 22' road and work out some type <br />of solution of engineering practicality as to water flow over road, <br />etc. <br />Amendment passed 3 ayes; Fraser and Mazzara nay. <br />Motion failed 3 ayes; Fraser and Mazzara nay. 4/5 majority is needed. <br />• Eder - Extension of public hearing has been acted upon. Now it <br />would again take petition from you since road remains unmaintained <br />and it would take a hearing to act on present petition. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn that in response to the petition from Lake Jane <br />Road residents, a hearing is to be held. (3 ayes; Fraser and <br />Mazzara nay) <br />Eder informed public this would be held first meeting in October. <br />B. Jamaca Court Bid Consideration - (REF: Larry Bohrer, TKDA, <br />letter dated 9 1 83 re Jamaca Court Improvements ... Commission No. <br />8017.) Bohrer recommended that the low bid be accepted since to not <br />accept the low bid would require Council to show low bidder as not <br />being responsible which has no basis in this case. <br />