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09-06-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-06-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MINUTES - 9/6/83 <br />Page 4 <br />( B. Gravel - Wisdorf said that this would be paid out of MSA <br />funds. Roads will not be gravelled in next year's program. <br />♦ Fraser - would make sense to get with it according to Agenda <br />Memo and since city engineer has been consulted. <br />♦ Dunn - my recommendation is that there is plenty of gravel; <br />roads have to be graded up. <br />® Morgan - Can gravel be used for future bituminous? (Bohrer - <br />if paved, takes major grading operations and 1 1/41' gravel base <br />will have been pounded into subsurface.) <br />♦ Eder - would recommend expenditure for equipment to take out <br />washboards in roads. (Wisdorf - overlay of gravel would suffice. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara to approve Gravel Program as outlined by <br />Dave Wisdorf in Agenda Memo, 9/6/83. (4 ayes; Dunn nay) <br />C. Budget (Grader vs,Loader/Dump Truck) - Dave Wisdorf's <br />comments in Agenda Memo are to be reviewed by Councillors for <br />next Budget Meeting. <br />7. SPRAY IRRIGATION PROJECT FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY SANITARY <br />LANDFILL NO. 1, BOB LOCKYEAR - Mr. Lockyear presented slides <br />depicting history and remedial measures indicated in May 1983 <br />report. Proposal we have before DNR is gradient control. <br />• Paul Josephson of Hickok explained slides showing where monitor- <br />ing wells are located, topographic levels and ground water <br />movement in area, total number of analyses (compounds, measurable, <br />and exceeding CPA criteria), where most of the contaminants were <br />found (monitoring wells-60 and residential wells-7), summary of <br />remedial measures (Phase IV -Design and Phase V-Construction) per May <br />1983 report, and map showing proposed measures--i.e., gradient <br />control well with spray and irrigation system. <br />• Lockyear - Do you endorse actual spray irrigation as proposed by <br />County which will evaporate (25%) and seep into sand/gravel (75%)? <br />♦ Eder. - What is impact on Lake Jane and Sunfish Lake? (Lockyear <br />we're doing interim pumping to see what response we get. PCA is <br />also concerned with long-term solutions, and right now we have to <br />discover those solutions. We want to determine rate of flow and <br />cause -and -effect [will perhaps take about 6 months].) <br />♦ Lockyear - During winter, will try to work spray. We will not <br />pump any more water than we have to. Spray site is about 3.4 <br />acres. This proposal doesn't have any ramifications on <br />present/future lawsuits. Proposal will be given to Watershed <br />District Thursday night for approval. <br />♦ Eder - Our role would be to not endorse what you're doing but to <br />recognize that your're trying to find out and solve problems and <br />that Lake Elmo should be kept apprised of progress. <br />♦ Morgan - Can simple computer program be used to monitor wells? <br />(Lockyer - we can pursue those kinds of things.) (Eder - U of M <br />Hydrological Department may be of some help also.) <br />Consensus of Councillors was that copy of County's day-to-day <br />operating plans should be provided Lake Elmo and that County <br />should pursue present course of experimentation without Lake Elmo's <br />endorsement. <br />
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