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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4-83 Page 11 <br />the final decision as to whether or not it will be metal or <br />concrete block. <br />Eder - I am really concerned that now they are going from step A <br />to step B. I don't want them to end up detracting from their <br />availability to attract good business' adjacent to their <br />property. <br />Folz - We did a Concept Plan Design before we got this far to try <br />to look at the land use. He chose to be in the SE corner of <br />this site because he felt the drive-in theatre is not the most <br />desirable thing to put some other business next to, and he felt a <br />bus storage site would be a good buffer from the drive-in theatre. <br />He also wanted to get some exposure on the highway for his <br />buses. There is also, in the SE corner of this property, a <br />natural gas pumping station and there is a relief valve in there <br />so from that standpoint he thought this would be the best <br />location. <br />Folz - One other comment: I had a call from Nels Nelson of <br />Valley Branch, and after review said there was no problem, that it <br />met all requirements, but then called later and said there was <br />one minor problem. That is, there will be bus storage units in <br />here and the potential that one of the buses could have a fuel <br />leak and fuel could go into this pond is a concern to the water <br />safety so, therefore, they are asking that we put a structure on <br />the outside which would actually be a device to stop the <br />potential oil from going out. They are asking for a skimmer to <br />be put in there. <br />M/S/P (Morgan/Mazzara) To approve the grading permit as <br />suggested by the engineer and amended by the Watershed District. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />C: Engineering Agreement - 201 Sewer Project <br />Larry Bohrer discussed sample letter he suggested be sent to the <br />EPA, thru the the MPCA, asking to take a certain number of failing <br />septic systems ahead of schedule, out of sequence. We would <br />recommend the stepping -up of the five individual on -site septic <br />systems. To define 'stepping up' Bohrer responded by saying that <br />it would take approximately six months to prepare the plans and <br />specifications, the EPA says to allow six months for review, so <br />we are looking at a 1985 construction. Five people have <br />contacted us and said they could not wait and asked if there was <br />anything we could do to speed up the process. The rules and <br />regulations do allow certain work items to be exempt from the <br />normal procedures. We would like to submit this letter and get <br />approval and do it this fall. <br />11 <br />