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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4-83 <br />Page 10 <br />City, being able then to take out one building permit at the time <br />that the final plat is approved, that it is something the Council <br />has considered and deems acceptable. <br />Eder - I don't have a problem if it sets out the criteria that <br />says the culvert is go or no go because of this so that we don't <br />have any misunderstanding. <br />M/S/P (Morgan/Mazzara) To move approval of the ammended plans as <br />specified by the City Engineer. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P (Morgan/Mazzara) To instruct the City Administrator to <br />work out the development agreement. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P (Morgan/Mazzara) To adopt Resolution 83-62 approving the <br />final plat with the contingencies and subject to a development <br />agreement for Teal Pass Estates. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />Suggestion to include in these minutes that Teal Pass Estates was <br />formerly known as Lake Jane Estates. <br />Discussion on the park dedication fees. <br />B. Grading Permit for St. Paul Suburban Bus Company: <br />Discussion and review of letter sent to Council by Larry Bohrer. <br />The lot is being relocated because of the frontage road <br />construction. They propose to relocate and upgrade their <br />facilities into the SE corner of their property, north of the new <br />frontage road. This falls under the Building Code, Section 502. <br />The whole parcel is zoned GB so no zoning change is needed. No <br />wetlands or low areas would be filled. No storm water storage is <br />taken up by doing this grading.They have proposed to construct a <br />pond with an outlet culvert and both the pond and the outlet do <br />meet the City's requirements. One recommendation by engineer is <br />that inlet end of this outlet culvert be staked with hay bales to <br />prevent sediment from entering the frontage road ditch. The <br />actual driveway on to the frontage road will require a driveway <br />permit from the Transportation Department. <br />Eder - Why did they choose the most choice lot to put the metal <br />building on? <br />Folz - I am not sure it is going to be metal. The architect is <br />looking at it right now and all of Regan's other bus storage <br />buildings are concrete block buildings. But they have not made <br />10 <br />