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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />OCTOBER 4, 1983 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. in the City <br />Hall. <br />COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Dunn, Mazzara, Morgan, Fraser(arrived at <br />7:20 p.m.). Also present City Administrator Klaers and <br />Consultant Whittaker. <br />1. AGENDA: M/S/P Dunn/Morgan to adopt the agenda as amended. <br />Add: 8-E Letter from Sally Johnson regarding the landfill <br />lawsuits, and their representation of the City. <br />8-F Grading of the ballfield at DeMontreville Park. <br />8-G Resolution thanking former employees, Kathy Crombie <br />and Edna Beers, for their services. <br />8-H Deputy Clerk Position. <br />(Carried 4-0) <br />2. MINUTES: <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to approve the minutes of the <br />September 20, 1983 City Council Meeting. <br />(Carried 4-0) <br />3. CLAIMS: <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan to approve Claims 84148 thru 84183. <br />(Carried 4-0) <br />4. PUBLIC HEARING: <br />A. Jane Road North (Petition for street improvement) <br />Pursuant to public notice, this public hearing is to consider the <br />;petition from the residents for a 22 foot wide street and to hear <br />the feasibility study prepared by the City Engineer on September <br />29, 1983 and presented to the City Council. <br />Bohrer presented the feasibility study. <br />Morgan - On June 21, you went thru this same exercise and my data <br />says you estimated the cost to be $1800.00 per lot for that 22 <br />foot street. This is more than twice. What happened? <br />1 <br />