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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4-83 Page 2 <br />Bohrer - In that June 21 letter, we were asked to come up with a <br />ballpark figure for surfacing the road. The first estimate was <br />just to shape up the gravel base that is there, just adding an <br />inch or two and surfacing the road in place. No provision for <br />changing the direction or collection of the drainage. It would <br />still continue to run along the edge of the road and erode as it <br />does now. There would be no realignment and very little <br />restoration. <br />Morgan - Why was the project changed? <br />Fraser - This is what we asked him to do. <br />Eder - Is there a reason why you would not have used City <br />Standards? <br />Bohrer - I think the reason was because at that time there was no <br />consideration whatsoever for Jane Road to being anything other <br />than just a deadend street. Since that time the preliminary plat <br />of the Meadows has been submitted making that not a deadend road <br />anymore, or a very good possibility of not being a deadend road <br />anymore. Also, public testimony taken in that series of meetings <br />afterwards regarding the drainage saying that drainage collecting <br />in the low point and running between the Weir's lot and Mr. <br />Krause's was something that should be eliminated if possible. <br />Eder - How do these rates compare to the unit prices in the most <br />recent bids. I realize that you have to allow for the fact that <br />they aren't going to be bid immediately. <br />Bohrer — That is the only provision; that it will be bid in 1984 <br />instead of 1983 so it's incrementally higher than if it was <br />constructed in 1983, by 5% maybe. <br />Jim Weyer - What is the added cost associated with putting the <br />curbs on and realigning the road? <br />Bohrer - We estimated about five trees would be removed for the <br />realignment at an estimated cost of $750.00; Excavation of about <br />$4500.00 (est.);remove in -place culverts at about $300.00 (est.); <br />The curb $5,150.00; the storm sewer which amounts to two catch <br />basins, storm sewer pipe and a pipe apron at the end at about <br />$4400.00 (est.). The first estimate for gravel base included <br />just enough gravel to shape it and make a crown in the road, <br />where this would be a complete 6 inches of gravel. The total for <br />the 6 inches is about $6800.00 so I suppose $3000.00 of that <br />would be additional. Restoration in top soil, seeding and sodding, <br />approximately $6400.00. If ,you add these up, it is probably the <br />cost difference. <br />2 <br />