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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4-83 Page 4 <br />road on June 21, was $37,500, now a 22 foot road is $39,500. The <br />smaller we make the road, the higher the cost. <br />Bohrer - You have to realize that this June 21 letter was put <br />together with very little information. We were given the task of <br />for $200.00, putting together our best shot at this time. Don't <br />do any field work, don't do any measurements, just use a scale on <br />a map and give us the best shot. The reason for giving out these <br />figures is for the property owners to decide if they wanted to <br />submit a petition or take it any further. <br />Fraser - I recall the Council requesting that rough estimate and <br />was in that nature that we requested it. We put a lot of <br />Pressure on not to do much work and I am distressed by the <br />implications that the engineer is providing erroneous figures. I <br />think that is not correct and I think the implication is poor. <br />Morgan - I am not implying that at all. It takes so much <br />bituminous material to build a road. That doesn't change. That <br />is a volume figure. <br />Weyer In regard to the original proposal of June 21, is that <br />still an acceptable number for that road as proposed. <br />Bohrer - Yes, I think that is pretty close. <br />Weyer - The petition was for approximately $20,000 and then we <br />assume that the improvements based on what we requested; slanted <br />in one direction, putting the curb on and catch basin, would <br />bring it up to $27,000. We felt that would be a reasonable <br />compromise which would satisfy the needs of both the homeowners <br />and the City. The needs of the City, we had felt, were that <br />regarding the safety of the residents in the locality which it <br />serves in terms of fire protection. It would also serve the <br />needs of the homeowners in such a way that it would blend in with <br />the 22 foot wide road that is currently there on Jane Road North. <br />Also minimize the water runoff going into Lake Jane and also <br />minimize the cost. What we have heard here is substantially <br />different than what the homeowners have requested. If given the <br />choice between the $52,200 proposal as submitted by the engineer <br />versus the $20,000 proposal without any provisions for drainage <br />or anything, I certainly would be much more in favor of the <br />$20,000 proposal. <br />Wyn John - If you now estimate the full 32 foot wide road, is <br />that subject to a simular escalation because we didn't have time <br />to prepare the estimate in the first place or does that stay at <br />approximately where it is? <br />Bohrer - The estimate for the 32 foot wide road was prepared for <br />Council consideration back in August and I would think that is <br />still applicable. That was done after viewing the site, after <br />4 <br />