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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4-83 Page 5 <br />consideration of the drainage issues. <br />Weyer - Assuming that this does not pass this evening, what do <br />the homeowners do then, go back and submit another petition for <br />the exact original proposal so we can keep control of these <br />costs? <br />Eder - I suspect, based on the fact there are not too many <br />residents here, that there is a possibility if people knew what <br />was in this proposal they would prefer to comment on it. I would <br />think the discussion be deferred and people should have a chance <br />to read this over and think about it and come back with questions <br />or what should happen. <br />Closed hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br />Fraser - I would like to proceed with whatever discussion <br />Council members wish to make. <br />Dunn - This should serve as a basis for negotiating and at least <br />questioning what the engineer has proposed and modifying from <br />there. You have to keep in mind that we have to look out for the <br />City's interest. If we get something that is substandard for <br />maintenance standpoint we are going to be over there every year <br />bringing in rock, whatever, to correct erosion. <br />Fraser - There has been discussion at various times and I sense <br />about three different approaches, one being when we asked the <br />engineer to look at it in a very preliminary way. I judge that <br />to be completely inadequate type of improvement. There is also <br />the petition that the property owners presented which the Council <br />asked the engineer to use as a basis for what he has come up <br />with. I don't think I could go along with either of these so I <br />think the consideration will rest between the 22 foot as <br />presented here tonight or the 32 foot road presented earlier. <br />Given that, with a difference per lot of only $280.00 I think it <br />would make good sense to go with the road that meets the City <br />standards. I would not vote for the 22 foot road based on the <br />material which I have at hand, and I certainly cannot imagine <br />going at some future time for a smaller road. I think the action <br />will be no action or proceeding at a time when a road up to City <br />standards can be built. <br />Mazzara - I can certainly sympathize with the homeowners out at <br />Lake Jane for the difference in $20,000 to $52,000 but <br />:realistically, what we asked Larry to do was to tie up all the <br />loose ends as far as erosion, water, etc., and although it is <br />probably a lot higher than I thought it was going to be, that's <br />our two choices, I think either the 22 foot or 32 foot road in <br />there. <br />M/S/P (Morgan/Mazzara) to table the matter until the next <br />meeting. (Carried 5-0) <br />5 <br />