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Lake Elmo City Council Meeting 11-15-83 Page 3 <br />MIS/ Fraser/Mazzara-to extend the Hammes Mining Permit, as <br />recommended by the City Staff, until April 30, 1984. <br />Mazzara stated that Dorothy Lyons had contacted him and stated <br />that she would like the mining permit extended for one year so as <br />not to interfer with their mining operation. <br />Deleted Fraser stated that April 30t-h-was an apbirtpapy-date,-t1te-weat-herr- <br />per being a sor4sidering- €aetar,- however,- the pressure of a time limit <br />Fraser has helped to get the improvements done to this point and would <br />at 12/6/3be an assurance that the improvements continue. <br />C.C. Dunn stated he still felt the mining permit should be tied to the <br />Meeting mining violations, and anything more than that; he considered to <br />be harrassment. He further stated that he had spoke with Chuck <br />Swanson from Washington County and Mr. Swanson stated the County <br />was not interested in restitution from the Hammes' for damage to <br />County Road 70. <br />Klaers stated that the condition of the road was brought to the <br />attention of the City by the County Sheriff's Department, and <br />that Dunn was correct in that Washington County was not <br />interested in restitution for damages to County Road 70. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - to table the discussion until 9:30 p.m., or <br />until the Hammes' were present to discuss the issue. (4 ayes) <br />6. Public Hearing: Shoreland Permit and Variances for Castle <br />Design on Hill Trail North. Lots 226 thru 232 and the NEly 112 <br />of vacated West Shore Drive adjoining Lot 22 , all in Lanes <br />Demontreville Country Club. <br />Pursuant to public notice, this public hearing was opened at 7:50 <br />p.m. <br />Ken Gervais, Vice President of Castle Design, stated that he <br />spoke with the County Recorder and that the splitting of this <br />parcel from its original parcel was done in 1977, and there was no <br />record with the County that Lake Elmo had given any instructions <br />to the County Recorder not to accept lot splits. <br />Eder stated that this policy for lot splits goes back to about <br />1974. <br />Tom Kelly, Attorney for Castle Design, pointed out that the lot <br />size variance requested is not out of line with variances that <br />have been requested and granted in the past on similar lots. The <br />problems with the drainfield has been corrected entirely, that it <br />no longer required a variance. The drainfield is now within the <br />75 foot limit from the high flood mark elevation. He further <br />stated that other agreements requested (limiting the dwelling to <br />two bedrooms, having the drainfield and septic system inspected <br />on a regular basis) were acceptable to Castle Design. <br />