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Lake Elmo City Council Meeting 11-15-83 Page 4 <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, discussed his memo of 11-10-83 and <br />noted that he was in error in #3 Variances Required. That the 20 <br />foot setback from the street still applies as there has not <br />adopted the revision the City Council made to change this setback <br />to 30 feet. There will, however, still be two variances <br />required. <br />Rollene Arndt, 7931 Hill Trail North voiced her objection to the <br />variance to the ordinance, and stated that the site was hilly and <br />felt there would be a drainage problem. <br />Dunn stated his major concern was the lot size and the septic <br />system. <br />Discussion of the variances that have been granted in the area of <br />Lanes Demontreville. Fraser made reference to Larry Whittaker's <br />letter of 10/10/83 to Mr. Gervais, and asked that this letter be <br />be recorded as part of this public hearing. Fraser further <br />stated that the material in the latter part of this letter does <br />indicate that this variance would be greater than the other <br />variances granted, some of which she opposed, and she has also <br />voted, in the past, against trenches of the drainfields being <br />fitted between one another. Fraser stated she could not justify <br />this variance. <br />Klaers asked what changes, other than the drainfield, were made <br />from the original application. <br />Kelly responded that Castle Design was willing to construct a two <br />bedroom home, and enter into any agreement the City wants in <br />inspection of the drainfield. <br />Mazzara stated that it was the responsibility of the City Council <br />to prevent further problems in the Lane Demontreville area, and <br />asked at what point do you draw the line in issuing variances. All <br />of the other variances granted in this area were 100 percent of <br />the average size. He further stated that he could not vote in <br />favor of this variance, considering in particular, the problems <br />we have had in this area. <br />The Public Hearing was closed at 8:15 P.M. <br />Eder asked how many drainfields were being repaired in the Hill <br />Trail area, and Bohrer stated that approximately thirty were <br />being repaired in the Tri-Lakes area, and half of them are in the <br />Lanes Demontreville area. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - To deny the Shoreland Permit and Variances <br />for Castle Design on Hill Trail North. (Lots 228 thru 232 and <br />the NEly 1/2 of vacated West Shore Drive adjoining Lot 228, all <br />in Lanes Demontreville Country Club. (4 ayes) <br />Fraser felt that the request was too far from meeting the <br />requirements. <br />Eder concurs, and added that there has not been a significant <br />change from the original request. <br />