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Agenda Memo for 1-,"i-tl�l G1ty Counall Mooting <br />plign 11 <br />some background for the Council to review before making <br />these appointments to City Commissions. <br />The intent of Council Commissions is to provide advice <br />to the City Council on how the citizens of our community <br />would feel about proposals, and to make recommendations <br />to the City Council on these proposals. Therefore, it <br />is very important to have a cross section of citizens on <br />each commission to obtain a more valid sense as to how <br />the community perceives proposals. <br />It is clearly not the place of the City staff or the <br />Commissions to be making recommendations to the City <br />Council as to who should be appointed to advisory <br />commissions. The only exception to this statement is <br />when problems have been experienced with specific <br />commission members. The appointment to Council <br />Commissions is strictly a City Council decision on who <br />the Council desires to be on commissions that in turn, <br />will be making recommendations to the Council.. <br />There are two sections of the City Code that are <br />important in making appointments or reappointments to <br />Couri'el"Commissions. The first aspect of the Code that <br />is important is that "no member may serve more than two <br />consecutive three year terms unless the average years of <br />service for all commission members is less than four <br />years". <br />Regarding this aspect of the Code, all Planning and Park <br />Commission members that desire reappointment could be <br />reappointed as the average years of service of all <br />commission members is .less than four years. <br />The second section of the Code that is relative to <br />appointment or reappointment states that "any member of <br />a commission can be removed for cause which includes <br />having more than three consecutive, unexcused absences; <br />or by being absent from more than one-third of the <br />meetings in any one calendar ,year". <br />Attached are the attendance records for the Planning <br />Commission and Park Commission for 1983• <br />Planning Commission: <br />Nancy Prince (Chairperson) is up for reappointment and <br />Has expressed her desire for reappointment. <br />Don Moe is up for reappointment and also has expressed <br />his desire for reappointment. <br />Bill Peterson's term is up and he does not want to be <br />reappointed. A motion would be in order to accept his <br />resignation. <br />