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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />January 3, 1984 <br />1. Executive Session: An Executive Session of the City Council <br />was called to order by Mayor Eder at 6:30 in the Council <br />Chambers. <br />Present were: Eder, Dunn, Fraser, Mazzara, Morgan, City <br />Attorney, Ray Marshall; and City Administrator, Pat Klaers. <br />This Executive Session was in regards to pending litigation in <br />the City of Lake Elmo vs Hutchinson, et al. case. <br />The regular session of the City Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Eder at 7:00 p.m. <br />2. Agenda <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan - To approve the agenda as .presented. <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />3. Minutes: <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser - To approve the Minutes of the December 6, <br />1983 City Council meeting, as amended. Paragraph 2 under "Hammes <br />( Mining Permit" change the word "concurrance" to "accordance". <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />Lt. Claims List: <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To approve Claims 84403 thru 84464. (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />5. Liquor License Transfer from Twin Point Tavern to Terry Pratt <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn -'To approve the liquor license transfer from <br />Twin Point Tavern to Terry T. Pratt and John L. Cain. (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />6. Public Inquiries <br />A. Tony Maistrovich request to have the City plow Jane <br />Road North this winter season. <br />Consensus of the Council is that this request be denied. The <br />road has not been improved to standards, and the liability for <br />equipment, legal/insurance, and other unforseen problems would <br />be too great. The concern that a precedent would be set for the <br />maintenance of other unimproved streets in the City was also a <br />reason for this denial. <br />Dunn stated he was not totally opposed to the request, but the <br />City should be familiar with the condition of the street <br />(potholes, dropoffs, etc.) before entering into any agreement to <br />maintain it. <br />